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FrozenGate by Avery

*Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) Laser

Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

there is a slight doubt in my mind that i may screw it up. closest i've came to removing a laser diode from a drive was when i did pot mods and stuff on xbox dvd drives. also destroyed a broken drive and ripped everything apart. really dry here so i may have to use a humidifier to prevent esd.
second thought, ill practice on a red drive :) just found older one then ill do the xbox 360 hd dvd hopefully

Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

The 405nm diode is housed in two metal pieces. One is pressed inside the other, and the diode is pressed inside that one.  It is very easy to get to this part. The tricky part is safely removing the diode from these because you have to use a bit of force. In front of the diode, while its in the hd dvd player, is a lens that has a perfect diode sized circle on it. I used that lens to push everything out. Here is a picture of where the diode is. (I only used MS paint so I hope its clear)

Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

good pic imo :)
just ripped out first red from a drive and was success but took FOREVER!!!!
was an xbox 1.0 dvd drive thomson
not that it's going to of much use to me without knowing the specs of it...
guess i'll have to research it.
just want to know if its fudged or not do to all the crap i went through and got sorta impatient

k just tested it and it works so when i get my 360 hd dvd player, im tearing it apart and gonna attempt it
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

I got my drive today from Amazon, sucker was easier to take apart than I thought. These are the diodes, took me about 10 mins to extract. I don't think I broke them, they just popped right off the housing.

I'll post more pics later, but time to go for dinner.

PS, I could not get the "["img"]" tags to work for some reason, I hope this works attaching it.


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

@MB500, here is a better idea of what you drew pretty damn good in pain.

Now my question is, do the two pieces (on the right) come apart (the diode from the second housing)?


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

First you have to de-solder the small circuit board from the diode pins. After you do that, the diode will press right out of that hemispherical housing, just like you got it out of the first housing. I used the end of a drill bit that had the diameter of the diode. But be careful still.
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

even though this won't be a high powered 405nm, i'm still pretty darn excited to see finished products and stuff.
i started off with a weak green before i bought the x105 green so i guess i can start off with a lower powered 405nm also
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

Diode successfully extracted, I used a 9/64" drill bit, fit perfectly. Time to get started on the driver.


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

this post is a great resource especially since the xbox 360 hd dvds are so cheap now. props to massiveH for taking the excellent pics, and MB500 for his diagram
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

WE HAVE LIGHT!!! (But I think my driver is not functioning correctly as this thing is waaaay to dim(read: I didn't make it right apparently))


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

yeah.. if you can point it straight at the camera and that's what it looks like, then it probably isn't getting enough power ;] good job though, at least its not broken!
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

thebucketmouse said:
yeah.. if you can point it straight at the camera and that's what it looks like, then it probably isn't getting enough power ;] good job though, at least its not broken!

Well, I'm not _exactly_ sure what I'm doing, but I did make Daedal's LM317 driver (I think).

I'm not sure what the input voltage/amperage should be, and what it should be going through/across the diode. I will do more research before I accidentally blow this thing out.
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

you want around 40ma max to the diode, and you should have at least 7-8v going into the regulator since the bluray diodes need a higher voltage than red or IR diodes
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

hmm what would be the best driver to build? i assume most of the diodes will be similar enough for that to be a reasonable question.
and 7-8 volts? dang! doesn't sound like i could go "rechargable" and "cheap" and "small"
maybe i'm just tired i dunno
if something doesn't make sense, just ignore  :P
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

I'm getting a current regulation chip and some components that will allow as low as 2.5 volts input and still provide the 35mA to the diode that I'm goin with. Then about 5.10 volts develope over the diode.
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

ok phew that sounds quite a bit better
got worried for a second
i'd be interested in seeing you final driver board schematics because i have little experience.
i took 2 years of electronics in high school but tad rusty and i don't wanna screw up my diode...wife would not like that as i'd be wasting money
