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Feeler for Jetlasers Group buy #11 NOW ONGOING!! post your choices and comments TYVM

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OR one of each!!??? JK--LOL


no 'reds' are offered afaik

Would LOVE to see Jet Lasers or Sanwu create a 589nm.

Dream come true right there...
don't I know you from SELEM??--how close are you to Newton/Conover area?

I 'might' be wanting to sell some lasers and you can see /use etc before you buy. (at SELEM)

The diodes used by JL are rated higher than the laser.,,but ask Gray.
A JL sold as 700 or 800 mW will have a 1W diode etc--this assures that years later it still will be AT LEAST spec.

You've told me about Salem but I've never been.

My concern is not the power, I just want a specific diode to test the divergence, the bdr 16x.

Do I pay later?
Awesome to see you here--the GB just started and I would be happy to take your order.

There can only be ONE
DO NOT try (yourself) anything he does.
Doing that could end very badly.

I think I might want to join this too. Waiting on a 465 from gray but that Green is really nice.
GB price saves you about $50-( so 180$down from about $240) paying me by bank check or USPS MO so no FEE
(my personal fav is not PPals it has about a $5 you must cover ) the 2020 coupon saves another 5% or $9 -add about $8 to ship to ALL CONUS buyers

so if my 'maths' are right--laser $171 (after 2020 5% coupon)--add $8 for shipping to you = $179-
and any fees from payment choice and even split on cost of JL to Texas shipping-- MIGHT be as low as $ 8 to $10 each.

I suggest you add the extra battery tube (price is unknown ATM) so you can use the free pair of 'pulled' 18650s--- Not sure where you are so...
Non CONUS members can order thru me and I will find your ship costs and you will get delivery from JL/China. (afaik ) about $38usd.

IF I happen to have a box going back to Gray you can send me whatever you want to return and I will add that to my box at no shipping charge to you.
USPS MOs IIRC are only $1.99-- threy are treated same as cash or bank check.. I do except personal bank chechs BUT cannot add to the GB order until that check clears my bank in TX.

ATM I DO have a box going to Gray-- (less than perfect (wonky) red switch on my fav red laser a PL-C (638 making about 300 mW !!) and the closest you will ever find with FDA requirements---IIRC has evrything except delay switch.
has tailcap dongle lockout - laser activation light- shutter-focus-and key lockout.

One thing that indicates how much we value JLS is the lack of hardly any being sold as used.
One exception was a 532nm PL-C overspec by 50mW (IIRC) & sold to DTR. He may have not sold it yet. contact him if you can.. that laser choice has been the one most fav via all our JL GBs. It is unlikely that any new PL-Cs will be offered. arythna (via 'raffle') got the best one --it had 440mW!! (not bad for a 250mW dpss) Mine was about 310mW.

IF I were looking for used JL, I would place a WTB thread in the BS&T section-- current conditions may force some to sell part of their collections. But I think most will keep their JL and sell others lasers first (that is what I would do) It may help if you look at sigs to see who has JLs and which they are selling----. Just do not pay more that the current GB prices as they all have the excellent warranty. ( 2 yeras IIRC) See JL.org to read ALL details on returns, warranty- etc
there are a few (possibly) typos at the site- one could be that JL tries very hard to never sell any at listed power== Gray would change a 1W to 700 or 800 mW-- making sure the laser would (almost) ALWAYS be spec or higher. Never heard that from any other 'brands'.

cheerz Len
Sorry, meant to post this a lot earlier.

Wow okay, $180 for a 1W+ green AND it's a JL? That is incredible.

And prices for all the high powered blues are also extremely good. I hope a lot of people jump on this while this lasts.

And there's a lot of newcomers that could own one of the best lasers out there too with this so hopefully they see!

I'm definitely interested, I'm in the middle of another large transaction currently but I'm definitely keeping an eye out.
Th.sorry ..that is not covered by warranty.

I would NOT assume that I will be doing GB #12 IF it a
is will be #11
Best prices ever!!
Lots of free stuff.


pm me if you like--with any Qs or email (at) geemall,....hak
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I would NOT assume that I will be doing GB #12 IF it actually happens.. ( I have zero chances of surviving Crovid-- too old and 3 out of 4 ailments that make a big diff.)
C'mon, that's not a good way to think Hak :(

I sincerely hope to meet you at SELEM when the time comes.

Please...stay safe
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