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FrozenGate by Avery

FDAs Proposed Ban Of Laser Pointers

Did you actually read the article...?

There weren't going to be any regulations introduced relating to the possession of laser pointers, at least not on a federal level.

The reasoning behind the "defective" label is stated in the article too.

The above aligns well with existing FDA regulations on pointers.



What Diachi says above--excellent well said. +rep when possible. :beer:

"“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ~ Phillip K. Dick

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It's not that all cops are bad people, but the profession sure seems to attract a lot of the bad apples.

Perhaps this is true, but cops do not make the laws, they just enforce them. So if it came to some kind of ban on owning lasers in the US this would not be the polices fault, but the legislators.

I suppose the actual enforcement of such a ban would be up to the police to some degree though.

I don't really see any good reason for a ban either. If it is sold as a consumer product intented as a presentation pointer, putting limitations on power output would be a good thing. You would not want people accidentily blinding colleagues in a meeting or something like that.

More powerful devices would be tools or parts thereof, not serviceable for those who have no clue about how to use them. There are perfectly legit tools that use high power lasers, ranging from laser cutters to optical storage drives.

There are so many products on the market where using them incorrectly would result n death, and no way legislate all of that. Lasers could be an easy target, but realistically virtually anything could be used to harm others with bad intent. And by virtually anything i also mean stuff like bricks, which have actually been used to harm people by idiots dropping them off overpasses on highways here. Oh and yes, a brick goes through a laminated windshield when you hit it at 130 km/h.
So, according to what was announced in this post, would the laser patch be finishing?

As a result, more customs controls around the world,

50% reduction in the cost of laser pointers and components .....!

Translate By ( Google Translator )
So, according to what was announced in this post, would the laser patch be finishing?

As a result, more customs controls around the world,

50% reduction in the cost of laser pointers and components .....!

Translate By ( Google Translator )

'Così, secondo quello che è stato annunciato in questo post, sarebbe la patch laser finire?

Di conseguenza, più controlli doganali in tutto il mondo,

Riduzione del 50% del costo dei puntatori e dei componenti laser'

cosa stai dicendo 3d?
I can't believe it, but I am beginning to be able to translate these without Google Translate. It is somewhat similar to Latin and Spanish. I also can speak some French and German, but not a lot.
Customs will not really be able to stop import.

Given the enormous number of packages send from china to western countries it's not feasible to check all of them for actual content. They may scan the label with content declaration, but your friendly chinese vendor will put 'gift', 'flashlight' or 'optical component' on there, whatever makes it clear customs.

Another option is to simply ship a non or partly functional item, with minumum effort required to make it work at full power by the end user.

I case of a diode laser this could just be a solder bridge you need to close, or even a jumper you need to install.

When the connection is open, the driver drives the laser diode beyond treshold current, making in technically not a laser but perhaps a flashlight. After you place the jumper or bridge the solder gap it runs at normal power and lases.

Such tricks are ancient. I remember them from decades ago when the sale of FM transmitters (for pirate radio) was prohibited. The ban included functioning devices, but not kits or components for them. What vendors did was make a 'kit' out of them, which were completely assembed boards just missing one wire link (or sometimes resistor) that was required for them to actually work. Every idiot with a hot nail could make those into functional transmitters, but as sold they were not illegal since they did not transmit out of the box.
'Così, secondo quello che è stato annunciato in questo post, sarebbe la patch laser finire?

Di conseguenza, più controlli doganali in tutto il mondo,

Riduzione del 50% del costo dei puntatori e dei componenti laser'

cosa stai dicendo 3d?

DDen , because re translate what I write ? :thinking:
DDen , because re translate what I write ? :thinking:

No idea what you're trying to express
Non hai idea di quello che stai cercando di esprimere

I do not mind using Google Translate. It is interesting. Maybe I will learn along the way. You will help me with the struggle.
Non mi dispiace usare Google Translate. È interessante. Forse imparerò lungo la strada. Tu mi aiuterai con la lotta.
Posting this in a laser pointer forum is almost fear mongering, isn't it?

Seems like it as we had already had this discussion before, it's not like there's any new news about it or anything we need to do, other than be safe and spread the word to be safe, I suppose if it inspires safe nighttime lasing it serves a purpose.

Now that we're here lets all remember to be extra careful and don't alarm any pilots, motorist, or pedestrians.

Also even accidentally lasing an aircraft can cost a person a lot, as in prison, so please take it seriously everyone.
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No idea what you're trying to express
Non hai idea di quello che stai cercando di esprimere

I do not mind using Google Translate. It is interesting. Maybe I will learn along the way. You will help me with the struggle.
Non mi dispiace usare Google Translate. È interessante. Forse imparerò lungo la strada. Tu mi aiuterai con la lotta.

DDen, if I answer you properly, then go to the end that I'm banned again!
Do one thing, avoid me talking to me anymore!

As for google, it's not my problem if it translates badly!
Crazy how they would want to ban yellow lasers. I mean wtf, seriously? I'll bet they couldn't point out a SINGLE case of a yellow laser being misused. Of course it's our government, so facts and logic need not apply.
