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Fda import form number


May 8, 2009
Form is FDA 2877



Link Current as of 22 SEPT 2014

Also is attached.

Note this does not let you do whatever you want. Nor does it allow import of a illegal, OEM, or un-approved item without restrictions. It does further legally bind you in certain situations. You need to research the current rules for its use.

If you import an item with this form, you may/will NOT be able to resell or gift the item without further paperwork.

Do not misconstrue the 3 Personal Item Import Box. You MUST actually travel abroad to use that clause.

You may safely assume that any loopholes you may perceive in the use of this form for importing un-approved handhelds have already been closed. Ie... Use of this form to import a working pointer or a kit of pointer parts as OEM parts will get your package special attention.

Customs WILL report and copy this form to FDA. FDA can and does follow up on its use.

In some situations, other paperwork must be filed before the use of this form. Example: If your importing a laser show projector, you may need a variance in place before using FDA 2877. I Quote:

"Ultimately, product(s) must be brought into compliance with the applicable standard in accordance with a corrective action plan which has been approved by the FDA. If the product(s) are not brought into compliance within the allotted time frame of the approved application and an extension is not requested of, or granted by, the FDA, the local FDA district office shall refuse entry on the shipment
and require the product(s) to be either exported or destroyed under U.S. Customs supervision."

I have posted this form for those who are importing items legally and do not know how to locate it.

Tip: Read the whole form and fine print before submitting.



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Nov 2, 2012
I'm confused. If you're going to import a laser illegally, why would you submit this and put yourself on the radar in the first place?

Or to put it another way, can you give an example of a situation where one would want to submit this, and what the benefit would be for doing so?
Mar 27, 2011
I'm confused. If you're going to import a laser illegally, why would you submit this and put yourself on the radar in the first place?

Or to put it another way, can you give an example of a situation where one would want to submit this, and what the benefit would be for doing so?

You wouldn't want to, and there aren't any.

Unless you're importing a laser legally.

"I have posted this form for those who are importing items legally and do not know how to locate it. " - LSRFAQ
Apr 2, 2009
Also the OP asked for this Thread to be closed (AFAIK)
I think by that LSFAQ is not looking to debate anyone- and we can find lots of info by looking for it.

so its more than fine to discuss- this topic- and looks to me to be very serious-(this time)
There is a lot of other things going on about portable lasers- ( WHO btw have NO audible voice in these matters) imo the only 'good' one can do ATM is to contact those in your state who will or may be voting on these bills/laws--

any way just did not want antone to think the OP is rude to not post here-
as that is far from the case IMHO.

MAYBE we can do this..
move this to another existing thread and one that needs to get new readers and posts- daily ( or someone can ask for a sticky) I am going to do that now and when this thread is closed please do came and chime in- we can make a difference with a proactive stance.

more on all that here---

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May 8, 2009
There are many people on LPF who import lasers. Not all of them use handhelds. The purpose of posting this link was to provide a partial answer to the many people who have asked me how to bring in gear legally. This has happened many times lately.


A varienced laser show user might wish to bring in a foreign made laser show projector or a OEM Asian laser to replace an existing laser. This is the form they would need for that use. Placing their VRA number on the form shows they are in the "System" and have a good reason to import an un-approved part.

A field service engineer might need to import a repair part that can lase by itself, but is not compliant until installed in the approved product. This is the form needed.

A domestic US maker of prior approved pointing devices might wish to import a new yellow laser diode as a evaluation sample. This can be done with the understanding that they will export or destroy the sample when done. Thus they can have the expensive part temporarily. This is the form needed for the import step of that process.

A scientist might wish to borrow a laser not sold in the US from a foreign university. This is one of the forms they would need. Again, with the understanding that the laser will leave the country in less then a year...

A forum user might visit a laser factory overseas. They were given a few samples of a new "priceless" fiber laser based pointer in a solid platinum heatsink, and wish to ship it home. The travel based personal import clause applies, and they have less then three samples. This is the form needed.

A maker of DVD drives is importing 100,000 1/2 watt laser diodes in a few crates. They have a manufacture's report on file certifying the finished device as Class I when the lid is on. The beam is not accessible in the final product. This is the form needed.

-----------------end examples-----------

I added the extra warning text above, for the simple reason that many persons here might try using this form without understanding its true purpose. Or use it with in-complete information. Or use it prior to submission of the other needed steps. Not too many people have experience with the rules surrounding the importing of any goods. That experience is a rare thing, unless you are older and have worked for a corporation.

The warning is also there for those young of heart who might not read the fine print. They may be inclined to believe that if they just declare the import on a 2877, that is all they have to do. Or they may believe that partial paperwork will cause a item to "Slip" through the system. I've seen both cases happen before.

A sad truth of US law is even if you do something with good intent, with a good heart, you may hear the words " Ignorance of the law is no excuse!"

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