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FDA Import Alert 95-04 Issued 12/14/2011


LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
I debated as to whether or not to post, as I do not wish to promote any form of fear mongering, where ultimately my decision to post is merely based on my intent to be informative. That being said, the issuing of this FDA Import Alert may or may not be an attempt to achieve an elevated level of enforcement; however, please note this is an update to an earlier FDA alert originally issued Dec 1997, and revised again on 7/30/2010

Import Alert 95-04

(The following quote is in a condensed version)
Import Alert # 95-04
Published Date: 12/14/2011
Import Alert Name:
"Detention Without Physical Examination Of Laser Pointers, Laser Gunsights, Laser Levels, Laser Light Shows, Laser Pointer Key Chains, & Similar Products That Fail To Comply With Applicable Performance Standards And Reporting Requirements."

Reason for Alert: FDA continues to encounter violations with foreign manufactured laser products. ***

Guidance: *** Districts may detain without physical examination (DWPE) all shipments of the same product as was originally found violative such as laser pointers, laser gunsights, laser levels, laser pointer key chains, laser light show projectors, and similar products (covered laser products) from the manufacturers/shippers listed on the attachment to this alert.

In addition, covered laser products are subject to detention if, among other reasons, an examination shows they do not appear to comply with the appropriate standard as follows:
(1) The laser product does not have a permanently attached warning logotype label;
(2) The laser product output exceeds 5 milliwatts;
(3) The laser product fails to contain certification or identification information either on the product or in the instructions for use;
(4) The laser product fails to contain instructions for safe use;
(5) The product class or output information on the laser product's warning logotype label is different from that in the instructions for use; and/or
(6) A product report for the laser product has not been submitted. ***
The companies to which this alert is addressed are listed within the section titled
List of firms and their products subject to Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE) under this Import Alert (a.k.a. Red List)
The two most familiar are Bob Lasers, and Wicked Lasers (most shocking, not)

Note the additional FDA Consumer Safety Alert below (Last Updated: 03/02/2010):
Consumer Safety Alert: Internet Sales of Laser Products

And this Consumer Hazards Notice (Last Updated 12/08/2011)
Illuminating the Hazards of Powerful Laser Products
FDA is working to discourage online sales of illegal lasers and online video demonstrations that describe how to modify a laser pointer to make it more powerful.
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Thanks for posting! I agree about not wanting to spread fear mongering, but it is also a much appreciated "heads up!" to us hobbyists. If anything, it is a bit of a wake up call that I need to get on the ball and buy the high powered lasers I want before the crackdown hits full force and I'm not able to get them anymore.
Hmm. Am glad that my next CNI order is gonna be lab style... I may stick with that going forward...
Aside from WL (which happens to be listed FOUR times) no other companies commonly dealt with here are on the list. At least none that I recognize.

Up until there is a VAT in US, I don't expect that there will be any kind of more strict enforcement.

In basically all the countries where customs is an issue, it's always seems to go back to VAT and import fees.
As long as they don't crack down on diodes & 532nm modules its fine.

Hǝll, if it helps keep 12 year olds & idiot adults from hurting others or dazzling aircraft then good.
Those in the usa can either diy or buy completed lasers from LPF members.
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As long as they don't crack down on diodes & 532nm modules its fine.

Hǝll, if it helps keep 12 year olds & idiot adults from hurting others or dazzling aircraft then good.
Those in the usa can either diy or buy completed lasers from LPF members.

I don't care so much about import/FDA laws to be honest.

What I'm afraid of is a piece of legislation that will make any handheld lasers illegal, and a major offense to use or posses one. Basically what happened in australia.
Man... there are even 2 companies on the list from Quebec
Canada right at the top of that list.... :eek:

No No no. LPMsbee is his new name. The product is LPMbee.:p
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Oh $h!t !!!!! I dont like this !
But i think that Greek customs dont really check the packages because i ordered something that had 300$ on the form and i payed only 5$.

As long as, owning lasers, importing diodes/modules remains legal and websites like O-like say off the red list i think I'm OK. :whistle:
The problem with the chinese companies on the red list, is that we don't really know what the actual registered names of a lot of these companies actually are. especially ones that market to westerners. For all we know companies like o-like might have an entirely different DBA name on the shipping documentation. A better check I think would be to find the address of dealt with places like lazerer and o-like, then search the list for those addresses.

The only good thing I see from this, is all the consumer notices seem to state repeatedly that GREEN lasers are what they're primarily worried about.
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More communist agenda! Enjoy the last of your personal liberties.
I see that use LaserJan just posted this in another, unrelated, older thread (I'm not sure how to request a post move). It's the same alert number, so it must be a new revision (as of today's date), and I see that a mfg of laser surveying equipment has been added to the list today.

Import Alert 95-04

Thanks for finding & posting the update LaserJan. It's good to know :D

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