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T_Warne's pic is supposed to make you think it's streaming from a live cam and that, if you wait long enough, you will see someone taking a shower. Since it even says "gifbin.com" in the lower right corner you would have to fail hard to fall for it.

Good question.
Good question, is right :: answer-- easy.-- "the OP" <-
Got T_w good enough to post it on our form... didn't it ;)
Heck i would to if i seen it fell for it and NO-BLOND APPEARED!

Dam you TW
Crazy Jay Re: FAIL THREAD!!!!
Who the hell would think that this is live video?

From your first response it seems that you did.
I'll admit that it took me a few seconds to find the gifbin.com tag at the bottom.

good clean fun.
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Crazy Jay Re: FAIL THREAD!!!!
Who the hell would think that this is live video?

From you and Rob's first responses it seems that it fooled you

No it didn't fool me into think it was live video. How could you do that on a forum anyway? I was looking to see if something was out of place. I couldn't find anything
