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HUMAN SYMPHONY, is that YOU in the BEER VIDEO wearing a disguise ?????? j/k...............rob
Maybe that 5 second rainstorm was the shortest monsoon on record !!!! You should have contacted GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS. You might have been awarded a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, I hear they're pretty easy to get, & they hand them out to just about anyone. Don't believe me, ? Just ask EL PRESIDENTE HA HA HA LMFAO...........rob
@ T_WARNE, MAN, now THAT is DISGUSTING. Small wonder he's running by himself...rob
Maybe that 5 second rainstorm was the shortest monsoon on record !!!! You should have contacted GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS. You might have been awarded a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, I hear they're pretty easy to get, & they hand them out to just about anyone. Don't believe me, ? Just ask EL PRESIDENTE HA HA HA LMFAO...........rob

lol, nice Rob.
It was just a joke byrnz. X-0 as aposed to a X-8.. (due to the fact it is a re-winder)
I've heard you can dig out powerful 28x red diodes from the DVD rewinders, but they're in c-mount form, so not too many people do it.

