Everyone who has PM and gave your support. I really appreciate it alot, It means alot to me.
And to others, who have paid and are not on the list, your module has been sent out already, havent had time to update the thread, and due to some problems wirh the thread, it wasnt operational for awhile. Beats me why, but it is now, thanks to C0ldShadow.
To all those who want to place an order for a Module, I've added a Paypal account on the start of the thread where the add is, So if you want to place an order, yo can just make your payment and remember to PM me letting me know of your payment. YOU MUST include a forum name or atleast what your buying so i know what to send out, and have a vaild address on your paypal account.
If you have any other request as to what mW you would like it set too, then also let me know in your payment or PM message after you've made the payment.
I use to add those interested in a Module on the list, But theres soo many that just waste my time and dont reply when i aske them if they are still interested. So i will only put your name to the list when i have recieved the payment, So as not to get myself confused also.
AusLaserSucks yours was sent out this week so you should be getting it soon. Or like you said, the flooding in your state could delay it.
LaserBee thanks for replying to the questions, very well said.