Go see an eye doctor. I know you're trying to avoid it like the plague... but from reading most of this thread, and what you wrote, I don't think you have ANYTHING to worry about.
Fact is our brains are actually very well equipped to handle moderate amounts of obstruction to vision. Floaters could also be related to other issues.. such as a poor diet in some cases, but generally speaking by themselves they are not an issue, though they can be annoying.
I've had them since I was ~4, and my vision unfortunately started going down hill since I was 10. Only gets worse with age, although seems to have slowed since I stopped growing. Either way, I've had more opportunity to be paranoid about my vision than most.
Go see an opthamologist, do tell him that you handle lasers... he will dialate your pupils and have a look... he can also take pictures for future comparisons to see if there is any degradation over time. They are nice guys generally and you will feel better knowing for sure that nothing is wrong.
Unfortunately now I have to take that same advise and bring myself to schedule a check up with a dentist

- I hate going to the dentist, usually no problems at all, but still hate it.