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FrozenGate by Avery

Everything on sale. Mohgasm.com Closing

Aug 30, 2008
Yes, i just double posted a thread
I have decided to stop selling items online.
Before anyone starts asking, this is simply a decision I made so I can have more free time to do the stuff I enjoy. I have no "problems" in life or anything of that nature. This just takes of too much of my time, which I could be spending with friend or family doing things that i enjoy.

Thanks to all who have purchased from me, i appreciate it.

I have listed just about everything I have in "lots" to try and move it out quicker. I have WAY too much stuff to sell individually.

Shipping has also changed to priority small flat rate boxes only, and all coupons removed.
This is the last of my items, so let's get rid of it.

Everything is listed for sale on the website. Have a look.
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Order placed -

Please note that I have a new address (different from previous addresses you may have mailed to)
damnit, rhd. I have your old one memorized! probably because i love that show...
Well I just dropped like $700.
edit- $800
I wanted to get in quickly before everything sold so I finished my order early twice. made 3 separate orders within 20 minutes. LOL.
Any chance of getting a refund on the shipping?
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Ordered :) Damn that some cheap stuff. I'll miss your shop!

Don't know if I will ever get around to using 10x 445nm lens'
Well I just dropped like $700.
edit- $800
I wanted to get in quickly before everything sold so I finished my order early twice. made 3 separate orders within 20 minutes. LOL.
Any chance of getting a refund on the shipping?

yup, $11.80 resent as "gift"
I didn't want to lose the "print shipping label" button by issuing a refund....otherwise i may forget the order!
I'm going to ship your items now, and send the kits separately when they're completed.
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Jesus Christ. Already sold all 22 available kits. It's sad to see you go Moh. I've been lurking in your shop making plans since before I even found this forum. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I have no complains and I'd like to thank you for the contributions you made to laser hobbyists everywhere.

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Well seems like you won't have problems getting the last bits sold... seeing as most of the stuff seems to have allready been sold.

Enjoy the spare time!
Any other goodies coming in the future ?

Well, some of that stuff is in transit right now to me. I had just purchased another 100 aixiz heads, 100 lens, and 500 round driver boards...

If only i had made this decision sooner, i could of avoided those orders.
I always order everything with DHL Express so it arrives in just a couple of days.
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Just sell the stuff u find easy , why leave moh!
Keep in touch.. You've served your lasercommunity well!
I have to say this caught me off guard (despite the ominous message you posted earlier on your website) I have been buying your products for years and you have been more of a tool for me and my laser building then my soldering iron. J/K but pretty darned close. Hopefully you will return with maybe a more simplistic sales strategy. It would be nice to have an online ship that just sells heatsinks and a large variety of them for like 30 hosts or something. I think that would be a huge benefit to the community.
I'm kicking myself for not grabbign the few round linear drivers I'll need now.
Sorry that you won't be around for the community as much but happy that your position at your job is growing! Good luck in all your endeavors!:beer:

(I put in an order for some lens ;))
If anything is still left by weds, I may pick up a few items. Gotta to wait till payday though. (story of my life)

Now get this stuff sold and go spend some quality time with you wife. FYI: quality time doesn't mean you both working at boxing and shipping stuff. ;)
