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Eliminate a large paper wasp nest?

Aug 13, 2016
Paper wasps have built a large nest in the upstairs bathroom outside vent.
I want them gone.
The nest is approximate 20' up, so it's a little far to spray them.
I'd love to fry them with a laser. Is this practical? I'd do this at night, of course.
If so, where could I find a great deal on good burning laser?

I have fried plenty of bees and wasps that have made their way into my house before. I don't know about eliminating the nest itself but you could probably fry them individually as they came out of the nest. It seems that they don't know what is attacking them so they don't come after you, at least that's how it's been in any of my cases.

Good luck exterminating! :D :beer:
I've had my fair share of extermination with lasers, I get centipedes in the house all the time and lasers just do not work well enough for killing. Those things are just too fast to keep a contant focus on them, and I can't imagine a flying target with an additional axis would be any easier. Sure you could probably try setting the nest on fire with a class IV 405nm, but then you'll probably burn your house down.

If I were you I might get an exterminator or get the right equipment for a spray job, you can get long poles that you attach spray to the end and then use a long wire/string as a trigger. That way you dont even have to get close to them while they're alive, I'd say it works pretty well. :yh:
Wasp spray and running shoes, leather jacket , gloves , hood, and full motorcycle helmet. Six foot ladder . that will put in range of the spray can. Aim at the opening, spray a generous amount into nest opening, climb down quickly and carefully. The RUN
I have burned up nests, but be careful not to set anything on fire like your dwelling, those nest burn like crazy and could cause a secondary fire.

Do you have any pics of this vent and nest?

If it's a vent to the outside then sealing off both sides with plastic bags and putting in some dry ice should suffocate them but I would like to see some pics of the vent and nest as you may want to make some pin holes at the high point as c02 is heavier than air.

Sprays work but are oily to plug up the thorax where they repatriate, I don't like the residual smell.

Whatever you do make sure it's safe. Seeing some pics would help.
I've had my fair share of extermination with lasers, I get centipedes in the house all the time and lasers just do not work well enough for killing. Those things are just too fast to keep a contant focus on them, and I can't imagine a flying target with an additional axis would be any easier. Sure you could probably try setting the nest on fire with a class IV 405nm, but then you'll probably burn your house down.

If I were you I might get an exterminator or get the right equipment for a spray job, you can get long poles that you attach spray to the end and then use a long wire/string as a trigger. That way you dont even have to get close to them while they're alive, I'd say it works pretty well. :yh:
You might wanna think twice about killing centipedes because they are killing other critters you don't want in your house.
You might wanna think twice about killing centipedes because they are killing other critters you don't want in your house.

Yea, they eat spiders that come by in the corners of the house. I'll usually let them go about their own business but if they get in my way they're dead ;)
Of all the things you could set on fire, why the thing you can't reach to put out? You're going to burn your house down. Get closer using some tool (ladder would be too obvious I guess?) and use the spray.
https://www.amazon.com/Wasp-Wand-WW001WEB-Extendable-Fiberglass/dp/B0055FSC3W <<<<<CLICK


I use this, it has a good stream.
Raid wasp and hornet.
The smell goes away in a day, it has a kerosene smell. But it works, they try to fly away but go down in about 5 seconds, some less, that is as long as you get it on them, inside the nest some can escape.


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I guess you need a bug spray with high concentration of transflutrin.

I usually spray that thing to wasp nest, even if i cannot reach it because of high place, the vapor will ended up touching the nest.
Usually it takes only 15 secs and the wasp will be like a helicopter losing its tail and then crash lol :crackup:
Some of those wasp sprays can easily reach 20 feet on their own. I used one to spray a nest in the eaves of my barn at ~30 feet. It was a bit diffuse up there, but it still got them. Can't remember the brand though. Just put on some safety glasses and maybe a mask if you need to spray straight up.

Otherwise, a ladder and long clothing will do to get closer as long as you aren't the skittish type.
Paper wasps have built a large nest in the upstairs bathroom outside vent.
I want them gone.
The nest is approximate 20' up, so it's a little far to spray them.

Every word in this screams 'get an exterminator'.

1. The nest is 20ft off the ground.
2. Mad wasps are worse than a mad girlfriend/wife.
3. If enough wasps sting you, you can die. If the fall doesn't kill you first.
4. Assuming you spray the nest and you think you got them all, did you? Are you sure your spraying didn't drive them deeper into your house?

You really need an exterminator with a space suit and mask to go up there and remove the nest.

I had an exterminator take a large hornet nest from my tree. After telling me to 'stay inside', he donned a space suit with heavy gloves and a mask. He sprayed the nest with a fire hose sized truck mounted tank sprayer. Knocked the nest out of the tree, broke it into pieces, sprayed it more. Then he scooped the nest into a bag and locked it in a metal container in the truck. Then he took off his suit.

But assuming this doesn't convince you to seek professional help, please let me know when the video will be on youtube. :whistle:
Every word in this screams 'get an exterminator'.

1. The nest is 20ft off the ground.
2. Mad wasps are worse than a mad girlfriend/wife.
3. If enough wasps sting you, you can die. If the fall doesn't kill you first.
4. Assuming you spray the nest and you think you got them all, did you? Are you sure your spraying didn't drive them deeper into your house?

You really need an exterminator with a space suit and mask to go up there and remove the nest.

I had an exterminator take a large hornet nest from my tree. After telling me to 'stay inside', he donned a space suit with heavy gloves and a mask. He sprayed the nest with a fire hose sized truck mounted tank sprayer. Knocked the nest out of the tree, broke it into pieces, sprayed it more. Then he scooped the nest into a bag and locked it in a metal container in the truck. Then he took off his suit.

But assuming this doesn't convince you to seek professional help, please let me know when the video will be on youtube. :whistle:

That's a bit dramatized, but the point is that you shouldn't do it yourself if you aren't comfortable or careful. It can be dangerous if you don't keep your cool and handle things calmly.
Even though we are prone to fear wasps, we can usually prevent problems by simply avoiding them and especially their nests. Still, if a nest is very close to your home, or even formed somewhere in the structure of your home, you will want to get rid of it. Remember that wasps provide beneficial services by eliminating other pest insects to predation before you decide to get rid of the wasps. When wasps do need to be eliminated, the safest option is always to call for professional help like from pest control Davis. Various methods from trapping to pesticides can be used to get rid of these pests. Among the most common product for the do-it-yourself inclined are aerosol insecticides. These will be marked for use on wasp and hornet nests and are effective for controlling paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
Re: GUIDE: Which company should I buy from?

Even though we are prone to fear wasps, we can usually prevent problems by simply avoiding them and especially their nests. Still, if a nest is very close to your home, or even formed somewhere in the structure of your home, you will want to get rid of it. Remember that wasps provide beneficial services by eliminating other pest insects to predation before you decide to get rid of the wasps. When wasps do need to be eliminated, the safest option is always to call for professional help like from pest control Davis. Various methods from trapping to pesticides can be used to get rid of these pests. Among the most common product for the do-it-yourself inclined are aerosol insecticides. These will be marked for use on wasp and hornet nests and are effective for controlling paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
The wording here sounds a bit spammy... :whistle:
