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Review: 20mW Red Pen from Lasersman

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
This is a review of my 20mW red laser pen from Lasersman that I received as part of the giveaway. Link to the laser is here. The laser was shipped (free shipping) the last week of May and arrived to me yesterday (June 14th). This laser uses the classic "Newwish" center split pen host and take two AAA batteries. Unfortunatly I don't have a power meter so I am unable to test the actual output of this laser. The only minor problem I had was that the batteries were a little bit loose in the host and this caused an intermittent connection issue. This was easily resolved with a small piece of foil put down the back of the barrel. Other than that this seems like a great laser for the price and given the brightness is likely more than 20mW, but I cannot confirm this. Big thanks again to Cherry and Len and Lasersman.com for organizing the giveaway. This is currently my only laser, so I was very glad to receive it. :D

Pros: Free Shipping, Cost (normally $7.59), nice feeling host, uses common batteries (AAAs), seems very bright for 20mW

Cons: For the price there really aren't any

Here are some pictures: :D






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I had the same battery issue with my 10mW pen, I just threw a nut in the back and that made it run fine :) Hopefully you got an over spec one too.
One other thing I just noticed by chance as I was ripping my address label off the packaging prior to throwing it out. There is a DinoDirect logo on the upper right hand corner of the envelope that had been hidden under my address label.




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^^^ I exposed that fact a while back--lol

DD wanted to stop selling lasers FROM DD- but not really as there are three stores That I know of- selling them for DD- aside from LM there Yourlaser and laserpointerworld.. those handling sales have done thier best to take care of us with what hand they have been dealt.. change comes slow if it is not seen as immeadiatly asa benifit.

At my urging Cherrylee is a member here and is doing IMO a very good job..

just remember she is not in charge and can really only do so much.. so please be nice.. good first review Simon.. What is/was the bonus gift? I have been too busy to find out....lol
Unfortunately this laser has stopped working completely. Not sure what the issue is yet.

EDIT: It's working again.

EDIT 2: Now it's not. Must be a loose connection somewhere.
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