You are welcome. Really seeing from your answers - try to study lasers here on LPF - you will get a lot of understanding, why laser radiation (light, UV and IR mostly) is so unique and might get you better insights. Regarding sound producing - sound is made by mechanical waves in some matter enviroment (air, water, concrete, steel...), therefore laser needs to affect this environment somehow. For example if I hit with my 3.5 W blue laser a piece of wood, I can clearly hear "ssss" sound as water boils in it. And the portals it was mentioned more like allegory - through art lets say you might open portals in your mind.
Water producing laser? That seems a really kind of troll's question - but there exist water cutting machines - however these use high pressure water beam with some "sand" (or little metal balls or something like that) to cut, not lasers. Really get some knowledge about lasers, or you will be considered as trolling the forums.
Caution Radim, not everyone that asks "troll like" questions is a troll. There are many folks that have a lack of knowledge, a self developed alternative reality for how things work... Check the site Bad Astronomy for some examples. The interwebs is full of such people.