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Ebay seller newgazer and techhood - same seller, different accounts.

Jan 29, 2014
Of all of the China sellers on ebay, techhood is certainly one of the best of the bunch, and appears to be honest, but you never know who is who on ebay, so many laser parts sellers are operating under different accounts there.
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My experience has been these sellers are fine for buying diodes you already know about, but I would not use their information as the basis for buying from them. I have gotten my best deals on diodes, especially new ones that have not been harvested, over any other sources. Also, bidding on diodes can give you incredibly inexpensive options too. Often Newgazer, Techhood or Existotem will offer new diodes at auction and this is where I have gotten my best deals.

I have also only good experince with techhood. Once I bought a defect 9 mm lense, I had no rouble to get a free replacement.

best regards


Ok these are from Aplightingworld but someone tell me what the difference is??:unsure:
They have a 200mw one that focuses also for $2 more..

Do you think they are even close to 200mw's for less $27??
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Ok these are from Aplightingworld but someone tell me what the difference is??:unsure:
They have a 200mw one that focuses also for $2 more..

Do you think they are even close to 200mw's for less $27??
It is impossible to say without getting one and measuring it. I got one from Techhood years ago that does 230 mW continuously, but it cost me more than $50.00. It is thermostatically controlled, so it is likely much better than these.
Quote: "I believe there is a language barrier causing them not to understand me. "

That is what they want you to think.
It is impossible to say without getting one and measuring it. I got one from Techhood years ago that does 230 mW continuously, but it cost me more than $50.00. It is thermostatically controlled, so it is likely much better than these.
Well I ordered the focusable 200mw?? unit. We will see.
Paul, lets hope Aptlightingworld is as good as it was in the day?:unsure:
My experience has been these sellers are fine for buying diodes you already know about, but I would not use their information as the basis for buying from them. I have gotten my best deals on diodes, especially new ones that have not been harvested, over any other sources. Also, bidding on diodes can give you incredibly inexpensive options too. Often Newgazer, Techhood or Existotem will offer new diodes at auction and this is where I have gotten my best deals.

The problem with my last order with them for the Mitsubishi ML562G84 was I asked them to confirm the output was three beams, but they responded it was two. Then I asked to cancel, but later found they were wrong, the G84 IS the three beam! I thought I was correct.
Most here have know for some time that 'they' are at 'least' 4 Ebay sellers that are pretty much the same outfit-- the take 'turns' offering lowest sale prices. Nothing beats being your own biggest competitor.
a few years back I found 6 sellers from same place- they would not confirm BUT since they ALL had the SAME FAX number..

Remember 'Cherry Lee'? Near the end I was confused by her replies until she admitted that she is only the current 'Cherry Lee'- She also said she (nor any female workers)had never been allowed to handle any lasers or even seen a laser projector.

and so it goes...
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Well I ordered the focusable 200mw?? unit. We will see.
Paul, lets hope Aptlightingworld is as good as it was in the day?:unsure:

Seems if you buy enough stuff from China, every one of the vendors will eventually screw something up on the order, or they have believed their sources such and such a laser is 10,000 milliwatts of green, and list it that way, if they don't know better. Fortunately, Techhood and it's many faces should know better. Regarding Aptlightingworld, I don't know, only ordered from them once and they sent me a bunch of M140 drivers with all of the DC input wires reversed (color), fortunately, I saw the error before I powered any of them.

Red and black coloring on DC wires can be tricky, red doesn't always mean positive, it can just mean voltage above common ground, with our laser diodes, that can be negative. Although I have not seen this kind of reversal anywhere but in the telephone company business where all of their DC plants are positive ground. In those systems, negative is red.
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I'm due for this soon.:unsure:
Other than a direct 12V supply what else will I need?
Ok I received my Aptlightingworld 200mw 532nm labby.
It peeked at 203mw quickly but stabilized fast and only does a 176mw constistent even after 5 minutes of run time.
A few issue's with this unit that could be better. Like I said stability is great but the focused spot doesn't get to tight compared to my other 532 pens. The knob/lens itself is pretty long with alot of threading and focusing it take's alot of turns either way to find the right spot. It's also a bit sloppy but I guess that issue can be fixed. The knurled knob and lens threading are one piece and the lens is pressed in from the back. The front exit hole is obviously smaller.. I don't know if trying any new lens if even possible could tighten the spot.
The driver has a tiny LED that lights green when its on which is kinda cool, not a tiny bulb but just blends in like a tiny resistor on the driver board. I don't know if there is anything under the bottom of the driver such a pot screw as its screwed down to the plastic holder. I just literally grabbed this unit from my mail box 30 minutes from this post and haven't played with it to see it's likes and dislikes.

I do have a few questions as to the proper LPMing tests.
I usually turn on what ever i'm testing first and then slide the spot over the LPM sensor head, instead of turning it on as it's aimed at the sensor.
Any advice??

If your curious of the inners.. Forgive my bad pic's as my cheapie cell phone seems to be taking even worse pic's lately plus my shakey hand.
With the fan removed the back has a added little board with a little added 750 resistor.
I see no plastic spacers between the module and heatsink body in this one..


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For the money I'd say you did okay, Peter. Even if it settles down to 176 mW, that ain't terrible. You need a better focusing camera as your photos seem to come out poorly. I can't really see what is there. It's time now to enjoy it. Thanks for the review.
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Ok, just trying to show a better pic of the front of the module. The glue holding the expanding lens is layed on a bit heavy.
The module is about 14mm wide which is a little wider than the standard 532 complete modules, which also makes the main lens a bit wider..
If anyone knows of a 14mm ish wide barrel with a lens maby I can try to tighten the spot a little bit, it's not all that bad but still wouldn't mind it a little better.


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