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FrozenGate by Avery

dvd laser burner with no modules

Welcome to LPF. Enjoy your time with us here.

I have included a handy guide to assist you in finding what you need. ;)

Sams laser faq, this web site explains a lot......

Kipkay is a moron, There is a lot better information available than his.

Sam's Laser FAQ: Welcome Page


It was all an obvious joke. You started the drama EF, not mfo. Its OK to have a "little" fun every once in a while. We were going to help him. WTF, why do you have to take it so seriously? If we cant have any laughs then you might as well call us PL.

I'm off the Forum for almost a day... and I come back to a
Drama Disaster Area... with another similar Drama Thread
Closed... and it's going on here as well....

As far as I'm cincerned...
all new Members should be required to read the FAQs and some Basic
Laser Info before being allowed to post and ask any questions.... IMO
Just like a Portal of Laser Info to continue on there quest to becoming
a full fledged member....
If they find the FAQs and Info too much to read then you know what
kind of questions we'll see...

There are too many lazy new members with their hands out...
Make them read the basics for a while to avoid the 30V/Kipkay
issues of the OP (as an example)..

BTW... did I understand wrong... or did he post that Kipkay sent
him here...:thinking:

Absolutely agreed, Jerry. Speaking for myself, I'm not saying that we should spoon feed, I'm saying that rather than post ridiculously bad information, one should either tell them to go read (nicely) or just say nothing. Disinformation only pollutes things.

I'm off the Forum for almost a day... and I come back to a
Drama Disaster Area... with another similar Drama Thread
Closed... and it's going on here as well....

It has indeed been one heckofaday today. :tinfoil:

I think we are ready for Spring :D

Not sure Jerry, his English appears to be the second language.

Either that or he has not done well in school... J/K

That should be another criteria... state where you're from in your
profile... Gee it's not that hard... unless you don't know where you live...:undecided:

@ daguin....
I've been hoping for spring since October....:D

hey evrybody sorry for my bad english yep its its my second launuage and at least i talk very good but so you mean just check out the forum threads and thats all i didint need to create this thread sorry i just wanted to make a laser with no modules at all
We had a small joke, but it blew into a huge debate. It happens all the time, so dont thinks it your fault. We welcome everyone, even if English is not your first language. So no worries, you did nothing wrong.
sorry guys i just wanted a laser with no modules and yes english is my second language
actualy im a sixth grader laserbee and i speak in english good but if you want i could write beter in english but when im writing i usualy dont look at the keyboard thats why i make mistakes and im from Lithuania and Lithuania is not Poland or Russia so just know it ok :D
