This seems par for the course for vendors. Establish reputation with stellar service, and then coast.
It is also to a degree the result of success. When you have a lot of customers, you simply do not have the same amount of time to deal with every possible problem.
The Warranty/Terms policy is strict, but straightforward:
Terms and Conditions
This is why I suggest always opening the package as soon as possible after you receive it, and notifying the seller if there is a problem immediately, preferably same day.
I'm a bit surprised that Lazerer would refuse to have the laser looked at, if you shipped it back. I suspect I know the reason why though, and the rationale behind it.
well the button broke so i thought that was the problem. I replaced the button clicked it on and the laser didnt turn on but it got massively hot.. i instantly removed the batteries the laser did not turn on. so yeah he sent me a button replacement
Did the batteries also get very hot? I assume there was no light at all produced?
To me it sounds like there was a short.
Please provide some more details?
I suspect that if you told the same thing to lazerer, he would also assume that both the driver and the diode, or just the diode are fried, and need replacement.
Shipping from the US tracked will set you back $38. Diode & driver another $60 just in parts. Labor, tack on let's say another $10-$20.
If you sent it, and that was the case. Imagine how much more pissed you would be, when he asked you to pay another ~$70-$90?
I suggest since you've been here a little while, post a thread in the B/S/T section, for "Need Repair Broken Lazerer Rifle".
There are many builders on here who will be able to help you out. Most people will at least look at it for free, and tell you exactly how much it will be to repair. This will almost definitely run less than the cost of having dealt with lazerer for repairs, had that been an option.