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FrozenGate by Avery

Doctor Who burning laser... Modification in the works...

Ι'd love to build one of these... but i can't find this sonic screwdriver here in Greece. I have River Song's and Master's screwdriver, but i'd like to have the Doctor's!

Plenty available on UK ebay... !;)

if you find one I can arrange shipping it for you? Having said this, either one of the ones you have may be more roomy for this type of build.

The problem is that I cannot buy from the internet yet, because I don't use credit cards.
Yes, it is odd, but i prefered it that way, but now i realise that the things I want to do NEED a credit card, so I'm going to have one in the near future.
And i hate NOT to have D. Tennant's screwdriver for my collection!!
I don't want to ruin River Song's screwdriver and the Master's would need 3 (!) diodes.
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^ Gotta get a card! You're gonna be laserless if you don't! If you go for a 10th Dr Sonic go for the limited edition release. It's the last one they did. Nothing massively different but it is limited edition so a little more exclusive.

Back on topic though...

Any joy from those pics and dims Charlie???

I would love to have a sonic screwdriver like that some day but I'm a touch too poor to be able to afford one if the price range is above $100 unless I build it myself and gradually buy the parts over a few months. :drool:
@ Parabola: Hey man, question for ya - did you get as far as opening up the toy screwdriver? If so, can you tell us how much room is in there, how it's put together, etc.? I'm wondering how difficult it would be for a newb such as myself to boost the LED intensity.

Should have some news on the progress of the custom laser/sonic screwdriver for everyone soon. :)
I moded a interactive screw driver a few days ago,... ;)


And yes it does all the tricks,... like burning a match true a glass of water, sting your skin in realtime etc,... ;)
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