Good writeup. I would like to add a little to help confuse people. 
Everyone should keep in mind that the current will not remain constant for the laser diode if it is fed by a fixed voltage. As the laser diode die heats up (as a function of the power delivered to it), its resistance decreases. That must result in an increase in current if the voltage is held constant. The VI curve is quite steep and the effect is very dramatic (i.e. the diode will quickly enter the overdriven zone). That's whay the current sources are so nice - the current is held constant and the voltage regulator allows the voltage to "float".

Everyone should keep in mind that the current will not remain constant for the laser diode if it is fed by a fixed voltage. As the laser diode die heats up (as a function of the power delivered to it), its resistance decreases. That must result in an increase in current if the voltage is held constant. The VI curve is quite steep and the effect is very dramatic (i.e. the diode will quickly enter the overdriven zone). That's whay the current sources are so nice - the current is held constant and the voltage regulator allows the voltage to "float".
a_pyro_is said:If this causes too much confusion I’ll delete it.
My limited understanding is that a LASER Diode will draw a certain current at a given voltage. When using the 317 as a current regulator, it is still regulating voltage. The 317 always tried to maintain a 1.25 Volt difference between the Vout and Adj pins, but because we have a fixed value of resistance between the Vout and Adj pins the 317 raises the voltage until the resistor is dropping 1.25 Volts.
*Note* all LD forward drop voltages are numbers I pulled out of my…well, you can guess.
If one were to use a 5 Ohm resistor (or combination of resistors equaling 5 Ohms) between the Vout and Adj pins, the supply would be set for 250 mA. The resistor would have a voltage drop of 1.25 V and there would be 250 mA passing through it. Let’s assume that the LD at 250 mA has a forward voltage drop of 2.79 V, 1.25 V + 2.79 V = 4.04 V. The 317 will have to supply 4.04 V to maintain a 1.25 V drop across the 5 Ohm resistor.
Now let’s try with a 10 Ohm resistor, which would set the supply for 125 mA. Again, the resistor will have a voltage drop of 1.25 V, but at 125 mA the LD might have a forward voltage drop of only 2.62 V, 1.25 V + 2.62 V = 3.87 V. The 317 will have to supply only 3.87 V to drive the LD with only 125 mA.
So as I hope is now made clearer, the 317 is really regulating the current supplied to the LD by very precisely regulating the voltage.