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Destroying stuff with my 5W NUBM07E, set to the 1812 overture


Jan 27, 2014
Because of my last video (my 405 vs. 53 balloons) going viral, I decided to make this video, and put quite a bit more work into it. As the title says, I'm using my 5W 470nm to convert various objects into energy. :eg:


There is something so beautiful about the sound of breaking glass, it's so much more than just a sound, just like fire is so much more than just a thing, it's physical music, so why not combine fire and music, it's just natural, it fits.
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Lol awesome timing to make the balloon pops go with the notes of the song. IIRC that song was in V for Vendetta? Not sure if that's where it originated from, but one of my favourite movies. Good job!
Lol awesome timing to make the balloon pops go with the notes of the song. IIRC that song was in V for Vendetta? Not sure if that's where it originated from, but one of my favourite movies. Good job!

Thanks! It was indeed in that movie; however, that wasn't where it originated. It was written over 100 years ago.
Thanks Infinitus, that's a very nice title!
@srrislloy: no thanks, I don't want any rolex watches.
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Just got an offer from rumble.com to buy the video rights from me for $225 + 60% of all earnings. That's something I just can't pass up. It almost completely pays for the laser!
Well for that kind of money keep cranking them out!
