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FrozenGate by Avery

Defiant/520nm/PLP520 B1

Dec 15, 2014
Hi ,
Like to show a pen i built this Sunday morning. It's a nice little 520nm /Greenie. The max output is 145mW's i ran the tiny cell down when i LPM the build sorry..

In It is;;
1) Defiant pen host
2) PLP520 B1 Diode
3) X Boost Driver set to 480mA's
4) G2 Lens..

I can't get enough of these hosts to bad there on the extinct list of buildable pen host without going though hoops to make it function.
Hope all enjoy it like i did..



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Nice build! +Rep. Which type of battery are you powering it with?
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Efest 10440. Most of the pen builds you see use those.
Congrats on another one. I haven't tried checking the other HD that is farther away for them. When I was at the closer HD I forgot to check all the register areas as mine keeps some lights at all of them. Found a few more of the other ones I was looking for up there though that have the removable rubber heads. They also had some $10 ones that I should have bought one of to see if that was also a good candidate. We are always looking for really cheap ones but the reality is $10 for a nice little pen host isn't bad considering how much all the other parts we are using cost. Sure is nice to find them on a super cheap closeout though. That's part of why buying one at regular cost makes it worth it. You will know what to buy when they are dumped. Need to find out if they have a specific day they put stuff there.
They do have a lot of other flashlights that are good deals with the closeout pricing it's just that what do you do with all of them when you already have stuff in each car and room of your house unless you want to give them away (which I always aprove of). Someone else could always use a little kindness;)
Hi Sta,
Thank you for the Rep and as Pman says i use the Efest 10440 it's the only decent one out there right now. I wish AW would come out with one in button and flat top. i have a dummy cell running the X Boost along with the 10440, forgot to add that. It's made from AL 1/4 inch stock, works great and you can cut it to size according to the length of the driver used and spring.

Hi Pman,
The husky looks good so far no glue holding things together, and you can remove the rubber on the head of the host. It's only has some hot glue on it so be easy not to rip the rubber boot. And the Husky's are only 7 and change like the defiant;s Maybe tonite i'll build a single mode blue if i can find a driver for it. Like you said $10.00 is fine if it works without to much modding.. I also looked in the cashiers isles for things you never know. Lower didn't have squat in buildables ..

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That is bright, how about that nichia 4216 ??? the single mode 515nm?
Hi VV,
Thank you much and thank you for looking at my builds. i have many more here so take a gander at some if it helps you decide on some thing.

@ Pman i have a 510nm in a ehgumus two tone host with two 14500 cells so that won't count as a pen think. Hey i never thought about the 4216 diode i'll take a look at some sound good to me buddy

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