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Death of eyes.

wow, you could kinda tell it hurt his eyes. its a little scary that hes pointing it that close to his face without goggles
The comment:

"Really, its cool to go blind. Good job keeping your customers safe and promoting stupidity. When lasers are banned I hope you find other things to sell..."
By HitShane.

Damnit. Warnlaser did lost some respect now uh..?
I saw that, but the original comment had been deleted due to too much neg rep :)
The comment:

"Really, its cool to go blind. Good job keeping your customers safe and promoting stupidity. When lasers are banned I hope you find other things to sell..."
By HitShane.

Damnit. Warnlaser did lost some respect now uh..?

They never had any......:whistle:

Yep! Agree with all you guys. Warnlasers had overpriced crape anyways ;)
Sadly this seems to be a 'thing' already, at least on youtube. The internet is littered with vids of people lighting cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bongs etc with their cool new layzers. I think the ones that scare me the most are people lighting glass pipes. A reflection off of the shiny glass, at that range...
I just left a comment on YouTube about the dangers of looking at the dot. Most people don't even know about that. I learned it here on LPF.
Sure, but they're still giving lasers a bad name. If you can't respect them, you shouldn't have the ability to possess them in my opinion.
