Here is what I have observed/learned about the flexture and the mounts that optilaser sells.
first, my gatherings:
I have always been wanting to order dave's style from LSP pointed out here, then I seen that ebay seller techhood has 3 different sizes/styles of flexture mounts.. So I order 6, then 2 or 4, then 3.. I order a few of each style from techhood in 3 different orders.
They were dirty and oxidized, very few looked clean and new, also, they were all the same thing, no difference between the 3 types that techood describes, EACH mount was MISSING one grubscrew.. I tried to reason and deal with them for a lonngg time, they would constantly say they were sending my missing parts, yet to again ask what I need.. I'd repeat myself, they would come back saying they have sent me my missing stuff and never could present a tracking number.. this repeated 4 or more times..
I got one of the orders refunded by ebay while my pleading for correction was going on.
(I learned that I should had first gone to paypal because the periods of time allowed would had been to my advantage.. once you start action under ebay you cannot goto paypal, they say..)
I left them bad feedback on the two orders that I could with and they replied to it saying I was a competitor with a grudge...
If the last time I sold (3 times) on ebay was probably six years ago and not even laser related, how can this even be so, ebay removed this BS feedback reply from them. techhood even said they would send me my stuff once I removed the negative comments. ebay told me that is extortion
After all this techhood removed my ability to buy from them for Fk's sAke!
There is that paul guy with the numbers, like paul839857 here that claims to have ties and connections with techhood, I wonder if he could get me my missing grub screws and the correct versions of the other two that I ordered.... If any of you have ordered these techhood mounts and have the ability to tell what sort of grub screws they use could you please reply here so I can find them somewhere else.
Also, techhoods mounts are flat, meaning they don't have the 45 degree area on them for mounting at that angle, does anyone know where I can buy small 45 degree metal pieces that are around 11x11mm so I could attach them to the surface of these mounts?
-----A month ago almost----
Looking on the prices I think that they should cost cheaper and I will aplly this change probably it will go even close to 8 - 10 USD.
But from some kind of reason Kvant is using turn, not flex mirror mounts.
It has been a month, are you really going to drop the price? what you are selling, in comparison to all the other flex mounts, the design and construction...
techhood pulls this off and can sell them for $8 and free shipping, though they will be missing grub screws, so....
I have not tried to use or even figured out how to set the adjustments yet, a few weeks ago I got a dozen of them as a side order added onto a bunch of laser diode mounts that dave was selling in a "GB" @PL
I watched people complaining of having to readjust flexmounts, yet it always seemed they would "even out" to where they were in position, though with time expendature..
Fixes can be to make sure your system is up to temp that it will be running at for your shows, as the baseplate and/or the flexmounts themselves can 'flex' during thermal changes.
Some people anneal these flexture mounts by putting them into an oven and baking them for a few hours.
I would not want to be scratching my baseplate surface with the optilase style, as I would be turning it for X adjustment.
Another tip/fix :
Look at the channel on the underside of this item, resolutions of "my flexmount is out of adjustment again" have been found by taking a rounded file and drawing it along the bottom to form a similar channel.. only a few good strokes should be required, giving two points of contact with more pounds per square inch of holding force.
It seems that people may be ditching on these flex mounts and moving along to what optilaser has, one guy at PL that builds Arctos-like-sized arrays had commented something like this in regards to flexmounts, "with flexmounts you are stuck at a certain stage.. with the optilaser styled mounts you are moving forward and progressing immediately"
I have watched PL for a few years worth of construction post's, most were using the dave styled mounts.. then things changed towards what optilaser has, even Kvant started using them.
Optilaser, lower your price please, I'm awaiting to order
thanks for reading,