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FrozenGate by Avery

Collecting money on brand new S1 lenses

Re: Group buy on g type lenses

link for spreadsheet not workin there big guy!
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

ru124t, sorry! Try it again. It is a long link and I miss a character.
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

Everyone is welcome. I will try to see about getting a deal on the shipping, too.
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

I still cant get the spreadsheet to work my friend. It asks for username and password!
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

ru124t, I asked someone else to try it and he was able to log on without any problems. I rechecked the link to see if I had made a mistake, and couldn't find one. It is set up where anyone should be able to view it, but not edit it. Are you trying to get on at work? If so, it might not let you because of that, or it could be any of a bunch of different issues related to your computer. It has worked for someone else, try getting someone you know to try to download the spread sheet and see if they have a problem. I can't find one. If someone else is having this problem let me know and I will do something about it if I have to tear it down and start over. Sorry for your problems :( Paul
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

It still wont work for me and I am trying this from home. Do you have to have a Microsoft account to get this to work? It keeps trying to get me to log on. I do not have a Microsoft account for one drive or anything Microsoft related such as Hotmail. This could be the problem. Anyways, I am computer literate and this has never happened before. I will work on it.
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

Has anyone besides ru124t had any problems logging onto the spread sheet link? If so, please let me know.
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

Yea, I'm having the same issue. My father works IT so I grew up well knowledgeable of computers. The link works, however, you need a Microsoft Account to view the spreadsheet. Not everyone has a Microsoft account
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

I just set up a Microsoft account to get this spreadsheet, still wont allow me to view it. COuld it be difference in countries??
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

Same problem. Created an account. Gets this message:
[This item might not exist or is no longer available
This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.]
Re: Group buy on g type lenses

Re: Group buy on g type lenses

I'll take 5! Might add more later if I can. Is there a set closing date or number goal or something?

Thanks for hosting!

(PM coming)
