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Collecting money on brand new S1 lenses

Give me a break, you guys are still at it and I was gone. I came back because a member got a hold of me off the forum, I paid already.

I didn't quit lasers to the fellow who thought so, I didn't quit in rage, I quit due to not liking some of the aspects of forums, not just this forum, but all forums, they all suffer from the same troubles to some extent or another and I have not been on any forums for 10 years, now I remember why.
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You better never try the Ham Radio QRZ forum. These guy's are pussycats compared to that place! On that forum all new guys are immediately labeled unworthy scum.....

Thank you for your kindness.
Hi Guys ^^ please do not go off the subject here :)

I just got payment from Mattronium. A few more people to go :beer:
Have updated the spreadsheet to the best of my knowledge. It should be accurate so far. Remember it is the Google spreadsheet. Thank you, Paul
I received an email from "Laser Project" stating that he made payment on 7/4/14 at noon his time, which is Alaska. I will be updating his payment when I hear from Eitan.

Thanks, visible green. Sh%&!!! When I screw up it is always in a big way.
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so looks like 22 lemses or less- maybe you could cover those with shipping monies and if the members have not paid ....you already have one member asking about being to late to join--- so mark them up a tad and sell them -- Pretty sure you can count on all those guys left-

My last LK Projector GB had a min of 10 pcs each model- & they had many nice ones to choose from so we talked them down some- One PJ was > twice as expensive as the others so the min was set at 5- I had 7 serious- & felt that was enough 'cushion' one had to drop out about that time and then a second as payday apprcched- leaving 5 - the 'bare' min-

THEN Nelson Mandella died and the banks in Africa were all closed- and Bruce could not get at his funds- BUT LK went ahaed with the GB prices even tho i was only four buyers-

hope this tiny bump in the road is the only one..

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Just got finished updating the spreadsheet. If my information is correct there are 21 more lenses to be paid for. And only three people who haven't paid yet. Anyone trying to get in on this should PM me or Eitan, "thejoker301".
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Yeah, I just double checked and you are right, there are three people left to pay but the lens count is 16, not 21. I believe I crossed over to the one above and counted the 5 lenses as 10. Sorry. :( Paul
