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FrozenGate by Avery

!CLOSED!: THE "Skylaser" (laserBtB) groupbuy!

You do, and tsteele and I will come and laser you out of jealousy :gun: :eg: :whistle:

Although perhaps he is not prone to fits of violence... in that case just me... :tinfoil:

"Status of your item: Delivered" :D :bday:
Maybe I should get off work early... :evil:

Edit: Oh, and my IMR 16340's and 18650's came, too! What perfect timing!

Status of my delivery:

Your wife got something from Etsy, you did not get anything today.

So when are we starting another group buy because I want the 700mw 532nm now!

I don't know depends on when there is enough interest again :angel: I will lok into it :san:

I'm still waiting. It got to my post office a week ago--a week ago!--and they "missent" it :scowl: Last update was Processed through Sort Facility, two days ago.

Awe man that is annoying :yabbmad: hope you receive it fast :whistle:

You should be receiving it soon :)
Are the only ones not received yet the 2 expensive orders? (blord and one other person)

No from the expensive orders only blord is still waiting

greetings all :)
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My version of the reflect between mirrors shot with a 30ft gap:


Sorry, my basement is in the process of renovation so its a little off right now. Yay dust blocking curtain doors XD

I will see about getting some outside shots tomorrow night. I got home too late tonight from work so I just took these quick.
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I also have not received mine, but at least I know it is in NY sorting facility and I will get in hopefully the end of next week

I shall post some pictures within the next couple days. It's hard to get beamshots, though, because they all end up turning blue. :thinking: Perhaps some fog would help fix that? I just love the deep purple it outputs, but it doesn't seem to show up on my camera. Also, mine didn't come with a remote-key battery cap or an FDA sticker, but rather a normal battery cap. I don't mind it much, but it just wasn't what I was expecting. The free gift is nice, though! :shhh:
I always found taking pictures of 405nm beams was unsatisfying and they never give justice to what it looks like in reality. I doubt fog will do anything to the color since it sounds to my like your camera doesn't handle the wavelength very well and fog doesn't change wavelength it only makes the beam more visible.
Hi ApeProxy, taking a time exposure between 5 and 15 seconds with a f stop say of F 4 or lower should give the beam decent visibility using a fog machine based on pics I have seen on this forum. The real trick who'll be combining the 405 with green blue and red lasers using diffraction gratings. I think I will have to have each laser on for different amounts of time. If you check out the shots I have posted of a 200mw 447 blue and a cheap 532 5mw green. To get the results I have gotten, they are exposed at 10 to 15 seconds withe the blue laser being turned off after approx 2 seconds and the green being exposed the entire time to compensate for the brightness difference. I just ordered a package deal from Coconuts to get some uranium marbles for use with the group buy 405,but also got a 405 laser pen which they unofficially rate at around 70mw so I should get that package before I get the group buy laser, so I will begin trying to photograph that laser first and see what happens? Bottom line is I won,t know until I try. I will be posting pics when I get both shipments during the week. Have a good one!
Hi ApeProxy, taking a time exposure between 5 and 15 seconds with a f stop say of F 4 or lower should give the beam decent visibility using a fog machine based on pics I have seen on this forum. The real trick who'll be combining the 405 with green blue and red lasers using diffraction gratings. I think I will have to have each laser on for different amounts of time. If you check out the shots I have posted of a 200mw 447 blue and a cheap 532 5mw green. To get the results I have gotten, they are exposed at 10 to 15 seconds withe the blue laser being turned off after approx 2 seconds and the green being exposed the entire time to compensate for the brightness difference. I just ordered a package deal from Coconuts to get some uranium marbles for use with the group buy 405,but also got a 405 laser pen which they unofficially rate at around 70mw so I should get that package before I get the group buy laser, so I will begin trying to photograph that laser first and see what happens? Bottom line is I won,t know until I try. I will be posting pics when I get both shipments during the week. Have a good one!

here's a good example of a 405 on the same mirror setup as my green.
Very nice color, hopefully when I shoot blue and violet together, there will be distinction between the two colors
What I used was mirrors that they use on eye glass displays. I always take them off before I throw them away.
You could buy some plastic mirror sheet at TAP Plastics and then cut it up with a hacksaw... They have a scrap bin with odd sizes of material for cheap.
Did anyone see infinitusequitas from this group buy is now banned? He wasn't just the other day. Wonder what's up with that. Hope his lasers make it to him.
