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CLOSED: 4.5W 638nm Laser Diode

Re: OPEN: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Diode Group Buy

Alright, well if there are no objections, this will become a classic murder then. I will add a PayPal link to
the OP for contributions.

Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

I think it'd be better if you had everyone commit first to see if we're gonna reach the goal... That's how murder funds are usually done. I'm not sending any money without being sure, because I'd lose some (local credit card tax) even if you refund.
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

You can power this "C" mount with a couple SXB-2's piggy backed and heat sink'd, the new model of SXB can reach 5 amps
but I would go with two that way they will not heat up as fast and will run cooler to be sure !

A heat sink will be required no matter what !
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

Some corrections have been made to the OP. You can commit any amount you want, just send a PM or
post here the amount you want to pledge. Funds will be collected when there are enough pledges.
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

Hey guys,
It seems like this isn't going anywhere fast, so can I suggest a raffle approach or another incentive based approach? +rep maybe? I would be willing to contribute 10 in any circumstance.

The reason I suggest this is because the other raffle type give aways seemed to have good and fast support from lpf. Also I am really interested in this diode. What do you guys think?
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

Thanks, Jstrawn. I will go ahead and add you to the list.

I will give everyone who contributes +1 if the forum allows, and encourage others to do the same.

We could really use a good high power red diode for projector builds, especially.
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

We could really use a good high power red diode for projector builds, especially.

A raffle structure isn't viable for sensitive diodes.

If you weren't so dodgy with info about your "source", it would probably have been done by now. Heck, if you hadn't been sketchy with me on that point, I would have tested that diode I asked to buy by now, and the forum would have had its answers, at no expense (except expense to me) ;)

Transparency is important. Sketchiness has burned this forum a number of times.
Re: Feeler: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Information/Giveaway

I'll toss another idea out there.

If you do an actual group-buy (as in, multiple people buying diodes so that the per-diode price comes down due to bulk economics), I'll supply MODC modules for every diode, in exchange for a diode for me.

IE, if 10 people buy diodes, I'll supply the GB organizer with 10 MODCs in exchange for 1 diode.

(and if the economics don't quite make sense, I would of course be open to re-balancing with cash in either direction depending on which way it's off, to make it fair)

Please sell me a MODC! I will contribute 15 dollars towards the death of this diode..
Re: Feeler: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Information/Giveaway

Please sell me a MODC! I will contribute 15 dollars towards the death of this diode..

If someone in the US wanted to run a GB for MODCs, I'd be happy to ship a handful to one person in the US. I just don't have the setup / the time to sell stuff - and it's not feasible to ship from Canada anyway (too expensive).
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

I'd be in for one of these in the future depending on how this turns out. I eventually want to build 10+ watts of white in a projector using 5-6 colors. I won't skimp when I do it either as all of the multimode diodes will be corrected to have the best beam possible.
Re: OPEN MURDER: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Laser Diode

@Dr. Evil, can you contribute a small amount to the murder? I would love to see this get moving again.

Also, if someone in the US can arrange a GB from rhd, I'd take a MODC, too.
Re: Feeler: 4.5W 638nm C-mount Information/Giveaway

If someone in the US wanted to run a GB for MODCs, I'd be happy to ship a handful to one person in the US. I just don't have the setup / the time to sell stuff - and it's not feasible to ship from Canada anyway (too expensive).

OK, what are you looking for in trade for a few of them, or even one. I don't care if expensive, I need some :)
