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FrozenGate by Avery

China has put laser tech on the restricted exports list


It's probabally just military tech related to drones and lasers but who knows, China does what it wants to do and China wants to make money.....China is notorious for stealing our stuff and modifying it but they are becoming a developer and China rewards students who excel.....The US needs to be aggressive and maintain our edge or China will get ahead quickly.

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"China puts drones and laser tech on restricted export list... " .
I would like to see the actual listings, detailed and specific under "laser tech" on the referenced, new, so called "restricted export list".
My guess is the action taken by China the article is speaking about will not effect laser hobbyist technologies and related products nor any general laser consumer products which incorporate/utilize a laser or lasers as component part or parts.

where you been?
did you just 'get out?'-JK

great you are here again.
TY for finding and sharing --just wish it was not bad newz.. (& MYB its not)
I was looking today at 20W 450 engravers--PWN in the 'description' it has power: really '5.5 W'?? does that mean it is 20W pulsed??
and 5.5W CW??
110$ shipped free-- I have a fat host big enough for this labby -- and 4 18650s for power.n& still room for another fan.
MYB I will start another thread on this--we shall see..


Styropyro inspired..
I was looking today at 20W 450 engravers--PWN in the 'description' it has power: really '5.5 W'?? does that mean it is 20W pulsed??
and 5.5W CW??
110$ shipped free-- I have a fat host big enough for this labby -- and 4 18650s for power.n& still room for another fan.
MYB I will start another thread on this--we shall see..

When I was looking at some the other week, the impression I got is saying the total power consumption would be the 20W, and the laser is only the 5.5W
Those specifications are the input power consumption, it's a lie people fall for thinking it is the output power, but I believe they are now exaggerating the input power too.
AHHH.... that explains a lot TY.
This means that using a engraver laser host for other things makes little sense.. A 9mm diode that makes more mW would be much more simple and afaik a lower cost for parts.. AixiZ gave me two of these AC wired 532s which we think were a part in a wheel alignment device--The ID is ~50 mm and it is ~80mm long-- its a beast and my first idea was to make a RGB or at least a two 'color' laser. pic coming later.

'Making' yellow is not rare. But before Sunclan quit listing, I got a 'Magenta' mini porta-lab at a VERY low cost(it was afaik R + V)--it was an auction & hardly any other bidders--perfect listing for using Auction Snipper.. it 'ups' the bid (min. bump)if needed just a second before it ends...so fast that you win almost every time. Not entirely sure how they do that-- I read that if two or more buyers are using a snipe service and it becomes a coin toss.
I read that AS is located not far from Ebay-- making thier bid (if both are posted at the same time and bid bump amount) a fraction of a second quicker..The AS keeps bidding after the auction ends. ....doing that 'by hand' will rarely work.

R + B/V-- is very nice but I may have ran it too long w/o a rest cycle so it is no longer lasing. I cannot figure out how they made it.. looks like some of the parts were assembled inside the housing as it did not really 'come apart'.
