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FrozenGate by Avery

Cheap, big FS mirrors

That is a good price. I have 6 huge (3 foot x 4 foot) fs mirrors I've removed from DLP TV's in the past week that I 'm not sure what to do with. Want them cut into manageable sizes.
An initial quick test shows they reflect at least 96%. They are glass. I don't have anything above a watt to see how well they'll hold up to high powers though.
These are the measurements I got with the Laserbee 1.

wavelength - without mirror - with mirror - percentage

405 - 296 - 261 - 88.175
445 - 801 - 746 - 93.133
450 - 76 - 72 - 94.736
520 - 42 - 41 - 97.619
532 - 314 - 298 - 94.904
589 - 109 - 104 - 95.412
638 - 96 - 85 - 88.541
660 - 254 - 232 - 91.338

This testing was done with the other mirror I ordered at the same time. I gave the first one to somebody else. The DPSS measurements might be off a little bit just due to their natural instability although I just used the peak reading of each laser. The readings are probably off just a little bit over all due to battery drainage between one reading and the other along with different spots of the mirror being used. The coating does look uniform to the naked eye though.
I just bought some of those during the sale. The percentage of light reflected sucks. Only about 75% was being reflected on the few wavelengths I tested.
Really? I guess I'll have to see how they are when mine arrive. I got some other FSMs from there too.
