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CANCELED FEELER: XPL Lasers (LPF 15% discount instead)


Jan 27, 2014
GB IS CANCELED. The shipping costs barely decrease for large quantities, thus there is not a great amount of money that can be saved by having this GB.
LPF discount of 15% has been achieved.

Hello folks!
Due to the recent interest in the XPL company (spurred in part by me :D) there have been a lot of people suggesting a Group Buy for that company.
For those who have not seen it, here is the link to XPL's Aliexpress page:
JiangXi Simple & Honest Technology Co.,Ltd - Small Orders Online Store, Hot Selling pointer green,pointer knob,pointer c and more on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group

The company offers various types of lasers; on the forum, the ones which have attracted the most attention are the beam-combining RG:Y and RB:M lasers and the high-power 532s.

XPL will be introducing a new host for their high-powered 532nm lasers soon. It will be $10-20 more expensive, and will have features such as focusing, analog modulation, pulsing, star caps, and password switch. Once this host is put out, we will most likely begin the actual GB, assuming there is enough interest. We are not yet sure who will be receiving the shipment, so if you are interested, please post a comment.

If you are interested in purchasing a laser (even if it's a 'maybe', or you don't know exactly which one), please post a comment that says which laser you would like; I'll add you to the list.

All listed prices are approximates (particularly the greens) but will be finalized later.

Without further ado:


RG 20mW $60.00

RG 100mW $90.00

RG 200mW $150.00
<none yet>

RG 300mW $240.00
<none yet>


RB 100mW $129.00

RB 200mW $180.00
<none yet>

RB 300mW $225.00
<none yet>

RB 400mW $270.00
<none yet>

RB 500mW $360.00
<none yet>


Note: These prices are assuming a $20 increase from the new host, which is not available yet.

532nm 250mW $87.00
<none yet>

532nm 300mW $89.00
<none yet>

532nm 500mW $107.00
green lasers rock

532nm 700mW $203.00
<none yet>

Note: Lasers past this line will likely not accept standard Li-ion batteries. You will need to purchase LiFePO4 batteries to use these.

532nm 1W $223.00
RedCowboy (conditional)

532nm 1.5W $325.00
olympus mons

532nm 2W $1190.00
<none yet>

Edit: 400th post. Yay.
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Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

I want to see what the new hosts are like first, but one of the high power greens.

Gotta see how the money is when it happens too, but 1.5W is the goal. Not even going with a NUGM01T like I was planning if I can get one.

Shipping for each laser is between 8 and 30 dollars depending on the weight of the laser.

How do you know this yet? We'll have to divide the shipping of the lot from China to a member and add shipping to individuals. Ideally, the packages will fit in a USPS flat rate priority box.
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Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

How do you know this yet? We'll have to divide the shipping of the lot from China to a member and add shipping to individuals. Ideally, the packages will fit in a USPS flat rate priority box.

I don't, it's just an estimate. As I said before all of the prices are estimates. Once the GB is finalized we'll know the shipping prices.
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

I don't, it's just an estimate. As I said before all of the prices are estimates. Once the GB is finalized we'll know the shipping prices.

Okay. I wouldn't even include that range since the shipment will be highly variable.

Are you planning to accept the shipment and handle payment?

If a member closer to the LA area with an LPM was able to take the shipment, we could probably save some time.

For payment, it might be worth having XPL send out quotes to all of us for individual lasers in the shipment to save fees. The receiving member could then receive payment for packaging them up and shipping individually.
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Okay. I wouldn't even include that range since the shipment will be highly variable.

Are you planning to accept the shipment and handle payment?

If a member closer to the LA area with an LPM was able to take the shipment, we could probably save some time.

For payment, it might be worth having XPL send out quotes to all of us for individual lasers in the shipment to save fees. The receiving member could then receive payment for packaging them up and shipping individually.

I have removed the range.

I don't know if I'm going to be the one accepting the shipment - I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with sending out dozens of lasers in the US.

With regard to payment - this might be a good option, Rivem. I'll talk to XPL about doing this.
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Sta, was this new host mentioned on XPL's website or was it something that you found out about by communicating with the guy who runs it?
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Sta, was this new host mentioned on XPL's website or was it something that you found out about by communicating with the guy who runs it?

It was something I found out by communicating with DongXi Peng (the guy who runs it.)
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

I don't know if I'm going to be the one accepting the shipment - I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with sending out dozens of lasers in the US.

Hmm. We might have to drum up some interest since I'm not sure many of the LPM owners mentioned interest.

Olympus Mons commented on your post on the video. Might want to see if he's willing/interested since he's got GB experience and a good meter.
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Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Hmm. We might have to drum up some interest since I'm not sure many of the LPM owners mentioned interest.

Olympus Mons commented on your post on the video. Might want to see if he's willing/interested since he's got GB experience and a good meter.

I've sent him a PM. Hope he is willing. :beer:
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

If it went down today I wouldn't participate, but if it ends up taking a while I might be in for a 532nm 500mW or 1.5W. Pending the duty cycle/power videos and the new host, of course.

The NiMH batt thing is a big turn off for me. They should really consider using Li-ions on the new hosts. I'd hate to have to buy a new charger just for this (specially considering cheap NiMH chargers tend to have termination issues).
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

If it went down today I wouldn't participate, but if it ends up taking a while I might be in for a 532nm 500mW or 1.5W. Pending the duty cycle/power videos and the new host, of course.

The NiMH batt thing is a big turn off for me. They should really consider using Li-ions on the new hosts. I'd hate to have to buy a new charger just for this (specially considering cheap NiMH chargers tend to have termination issues).
They told me that the NiMH batteries are used to reduce the heat. I think it's necessary in order to keep the duty cycle from becoming absurdly short. I don't like it either, but it beats the alternative.
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

If it went down today I wouldn't participate, but if it ends up taking a while I might be in for a 532nm 500mW or 1.5W. Pending the duty cycle/power videos and the new host, of course.

The NiMH batt thing is a big turn off for me. They should really consider using Li-ions on the new hosts. I'd hate to have to buy a new charger just for this (specially considering cheap NiMH chargers tend to have termination issues).

Most decent Li-ion round cell chargers can handle NiMH quite well, including mine.

The driver on these things must just not be able to take the higher voltage. It must max out before 4.2V as a few high power IR drivers do.
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Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Mark me down for a 1w 520nm.
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

Yep, I knew that. 1w 532nm. Had wine with dinner. :)
Re: FEELER: XPL Lasers (RG:Y, RB:M, high-power 532s, etc)

I'm pretty sure I'd be in for a 100mw RG:Y depending on when it goes through.

Put me down as possibly also for a 100mw RB: M

My wife would love that :)
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