Used to be able to, sort of...not sure if any of it would come back to me if I had the chance again, though. Sadly my parents decided that, in order to get to school (meaning I could still ride the bus, but why, if you have access to a car?), I would have to drive my dad's old godforsaken piece of junk Toyota that stunk to high heaven with cigarette smoke and everything was sticky from him spilling his coffee all over the interior. This was back in the day when Toyotas were butt-ugly and very uncool cars - think Japanese cars of the late 70's!
Needless to say, I wanted to spend as little time in that car as possible. Worse, I was embarrassed to be seen in that bucket of bolts....especially at school. So while I could drive the car, and wasn't too bad at driving stick, it was a very ornery car. It shifted very rough, plus it had a nasty habit of stalling out on hills when I had to stop for a light or stop sign. I rolled thru a lot of stop signs in that car, luckily there was never a cop around....boy did I hate that car! Finally I insisted that my parents get me another car, and they finally did, so thereafter, everything I drove was an automatic, so I more or less forgot about driving a stick.