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FrozenGate by Avery

Calling All High Power Portable Laser (Green/Blue) Owners

Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Do you need specs for RPLs only? Or can I still contribute if I own a similar laser (PGL-III or "Aries")?

Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Yes, please. I should change the title to Portable Laser owners...

oh, in that case, here's some power readings from my Blue RPL (before it was sent back for repairs) and my 250mW green RPL "style" laser. I'll post more of the Blue RPL when I get it back.


I didn't run them for 5 minutes like you asked, as I personally would be a little uncomfortable testing them that long. I could probably do a 3 minute graph of the green RPL "style" soon.
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Yes, please. I should change the title to Portable Laser owners...

Maybe to "High Power Portable" or something less general?

Ok I just did a power test.


  • PGL-III-C; 532nm; 400mW
  • 0.78 - 0.8mRad
  • 776mW peak; 681mW avg.
  • After peak, power stays within 50mW of the average of the test period. Tested for 3.5 minutes*
  • Mode stabilizes after 30 seconds on and remains in TEM00.
  • Never tested maximum run-time and never run longer than 4 minutes continuously (for safety of the laser) never drops below 400mW**
  • Usually 30-45 second "cool down" cycle.
  • Cold start (70 degrees Fahrenheit) to 400mW is 36 sec; Cold start to peak is 60-100 sec.***
*Manufacturer suggests 1 minute on, 5 minutes off duty cycle. But I have no problems running it longer.

**To preserve the life of the laser, I never run it for excessive periods of time. I have never seen the power drop below 400mW within a 4 minute operating cycle. In warmer conditions the warm up period is about 10 seconds and I limit the run time to 2 minutes max.

***This laser usually "peaks" twice- the second peak is higher than the first; the laser will warm up, peak, settle, and then peak slightly higher, and settle again for the remainder of the test.

Typical peak is ~750mW. Typical average is ~650mW.
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

RPL Blue-35/ 473mw/ 35mw

-Divergance on my model is great I would say sub 1.0mrad (haven't meassured though)

-It is really not a stable laser, warming up 5-10+ mw, these lasers are extremely sensitive to temperature, too cold not good too hot not good. When warmed up seems to stay in the 35-40mw area, but can be as low as 20mw again depends on temperature.

-This one doesn't mode hop, when the temperature is right, it just dims after the crystal assembly heats-up to much.

-I generally wait a minute or two after each run, seems to do the trick.

-It takes anywhere from 30sec-2min for the laser to warm up and start blasting.

These CW 473 lasers are quite finnicky at times, but have a certain character about them. The lasers performance greatly depends on the condition in which the laser is used, these LBO (assume it is LBO) crystals have a mind of their own with no TEC temperature control. :p This is why I don't have any straight data to give.

Regardless of the lack of cold facts, hope you find my post useful.

Best Regards,
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

I have an RPL 450 532nm that is about a month old.

I have noticed some slight flicker to the beam when viewed
in a dark "fog" filled room.

Viewing the spot at about 50 feet on a matte white
surface reveals some mode hopping at times.

I don't have power readings because I'm waitng for
my Laserbee to arrive, but I will say that I popped a
balloon at 47 feet in less than 20 seconds the other day.

free radical
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Something else I would like to add...

Optotronics RPL's are my most expensive and highest quality lasers. I just e-mailed Jack to tell him how I felt about my issues and he sent back a detailed response.

Some of what he said is this:

"I can take a look at your RPLs and see
what I can do for you.
I always try to treat my customers the way I want to be treated when
I'm the customer and I could see what could be done and at what cost
as your RPL green is just over a year old and was bought with only a
90 day warranty and your RPL-blue is just short of 2 years old."

Now that's customer service!

I realize that I am past my warranty, but Jack will still look at my lasers and try to offer me some kind of a reasonable solution I'm sure.

I just want my highest quality lasers to be performing 'top notch'. Even though I rarely take them out of the case...
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Guys, thank you VERY much for the info.

If any other member has more information I will really appreciate it.

You've been extremely helpful.
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Ok, I did a 3 minute test of my 250mW green RPL "style" laser just now. I think this laser was initially purchased from DX, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, here's the graph when the laser started cold (about 70 degrees Fahrenheit) with a fully charged battery.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3431777/Meter Graphs/250mW green RPL style/2.jpg

I didn't notice any mode hoping the entire time, but the power is all over the place. I haven't measured divergence or beam diameter on this laser yet.
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

If the rayfoss torch is in the "portable laser" class:

Model/Wavelength/Advertised Power rayfoss 200mW
Divergence value 1.2-1.3
Peak/Avg. power value. without IR filter: 250 peak 220 stable
Is the power constant for the first 5 minutes? no
How long can you have it powered on before it mode hops? 2 minutes
How long can you have it powered on before its power goes below its advertised power? 1 minute
How long do you need to let it rest before powering it up after turning it on for a long time? 30 secs
How long does it take for power to stabilize when you turn it on (cold start)? 1-2 seconds
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Bryce007> thats weird how at 80 secs, it jumps from 170 to 280m in 5 seconds.. I wonder why it does that?
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Yes, any portable laser :)

Thanks a lot for the new info, guys, I really appreciate it.

Any portable laser? I thought you may have been referring to the larger hand helds that use the larger green assemblies, not just the 12mm ones.
Re: Calling All RPL Owners

Any portable laser? I thought you may have been referring to the larger hand helds that use the larger green assemblies, not just the 12mm ones.

Yes, you are correct. I call Portable Laser to the big ones, I call "Pen Style" or "Flashlight Style" laser to the smaller ones.

I just changed the title to widen the spectrum :)
