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FrozenGate by Avery

Buying a 100MW Blue. Advice?


May 25, 2009
Hey guys, so I'm planning on buying a 100mw Blue laser and I'm it's going to be my first high-powered laser.

I'm not ignorant of it's power and the fact that I need safety glasses, but is there anything else not so obvious you think I should know?


1) Buy a Quality Laser like This
2) Buy Safety Googles for Green and Blue
3) Be Safe
4)...Enjoy it!
I agree with eytyxhs. That is a good example of a quality laser.
If I were you I would search the lasers for sale on this forum.
I bought one from a web site in china, and it has not been a good experience . it arrived not working at all and tho they said they would send the part to fix it , I'm wishing I had saved some more money and bought from one of the many trusted and experienced builders here.
The next one I buy will be from a LPF member.
Lasers are Made from Members of this forum! And they're the Cheapest that you can find.

If you Want a Green Laser i Suggest CNI.
How about you state your price range? There are lots of high quality blue lasers around, but what you're willing to pay is going to limit your options.
My current budget probably limits me to about $100.

There are quite a few options around $100 but if you save up a little bit more you will have many more options to choose from.

$200 is enough to get a nice blue laser.
I'd recommend buying one from a forum member. Sending money to a Chinese website doesn't benefit the community here, after all.

Read the forums a little more and see if you can build one yourself.
It's not difficult at all and it costs less and is more rewarding.
You should also really decide on single mode - 100mW-200mW blue laser, or higher powers, but multimode diodes, which are far more common.

For around ~$150 you can really do either, up to about 1.2W. Or more if you DIY.
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