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Building a 1.7W blue laser (raw footage)

Grix, nice to see you posting again, thanks for sharing your video with us! :yh:
Hi Grix:

Thanks for your instructional video! Nice job. It may encourage other members to make their first laser. :gj: +Rep. Take Care.

-cd. :D
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Nice, I so want to get one but out of my price range I'm sure.
thanks for making this video. i'm gonna refer to it when i attempt my first build
thanks for making this video. i'm gonna refer to it when i attempt my first build

Welcome to the forum, I see this is your first post. Make sure you make a post in the welcome section introducing yourself and with your location.

Good luck on your build, and stay safe!
Hi G,
Well done I'm sure this will be an asset to the community for those interested in building their own .

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