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Building 532nm dpss laser


Feb 16, 2020
Hello. I plan to make a 532nm dpss green laser with 500mw output power. could somebody write me exactly what parts I will need? Grettings

You need to choose a different project. The wording of your question shows you have very little experience in this area, and I'm aware of no one else in the hobbyist arena that has managed such a feat.

In other words, aim for something attainable. Learn how to 'change the oil' before you 'rebuild the engine'
In your imagination/daydreams perhaps.
You need to choose a different project. The wording of your question shows you have very little experience in this area, and I'm aware of no one else in the hobbyist arena that has managed such a feat.

In other words, aim for something attainable. Learn how to 'change the oil' before you 'rebuild the engine'
Exasctly --what Cyparagon said above ^^^(y) Aim for something more attainable.

Petersoft - From your question you have no idea of what is required to accomplish what you are talking about/asking. Your question is about a dayream and an imaginied "parts lst" about it that doesn't exist in the real world.
There is no "parts" list nor "parts" for sales/avaiable for any single source for building a 500mw 532nm laser module.
Without the techinical education, design skills, hands on functional knowledge and experience, equpiment needed, years of specialized practical fine tuning and tweaking experience, other needed skills, time, or parts many of which you would have to create, there here is no way you would be able to accomplish what you want to do. Making a 500mW DPSS 532nm laser module is not a hobbist project and a waste of money and time.

Would be many, many times lower in cost/more cost effective for you to make it with your wallet/bank account and buy a complete 500mW 532nm from Jetlasers for $249 see: https://www.jetlasers.org/index.php...pander-no/49-goggles-no/30-power_levels-500mw

I did find one low quailty 500mW module choice available from O-like---you could buy one of those and then figure out something to do with it --either a lab style housing, heatsink and power source or make it into a pointer if you can make or buy a host for it. An IR filter would havetobe added as well. See: DIY/industrial Green laser diode module 500mW /stable power $129 here: http://www.o-like.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=529 or yuou could just buy a complete 500mW 532nm laser pointer which uses the same modlue from O-like for $179 here: http://www.o-like.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=528

Best/highest quality lowest cost overall choice is to buy the JetLasers 500mW 532nm laser pointer and forget about building one
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You need to choose a different project. The wording of your question shows you have very little experience in this area, and I'm aware of no one else in the hobbyist arena that has managed such a feat.

In other words, aim for something attainable. Learn how to 'change the oil' before you 'rebuild the engine'

^^^ good one!!! lol

Cyp and ENCAP reply too-- both are giving you great advice-- The only green I would attempt would be a diode laser--532--DPSS is not a diode laser--it makes green with A Magic CRYSTAL that changes it to green.

Please do not think that we do not want to be helpful ,,,,,, but help your self be reading as much as you can-- check out 'Sam's Laser' too--read most of the stickies in every section.... THEN ask for help
we do not think that this is rude...of us.
Actually very few question posted are new..
also did you make an 'intro' thread about yrself and your location and place that in the Welcome section... you may live very close to another member and otherwise never know that-- we like to meet other members in person and many now have meters and we will meter your collection anytime you want.

There are Laser Meets world wide-- go to just one and you want to go to more-- I know I did..

hak --south of Houston
Ditto on both--super advice.
IF you still want to make a green chose a diode laser --532 is DPSS.
You need a 505 to 520 nm diode.

plz do a bunch of reading on your own== we like to help BUT..
it is best if you do your own homework. VERY very few questions asked here cannot be answered in a search here, google and at Sam's Laser..

best wishes--stay well
I just wanted to buy a 9mm 2500mw 808nm laser diode, remove the DPSS crystals from the green laser pointer and buy a housing for such a diode so that you can attach these crystals (such housing as for green lasers only that for a 9mm diode). finding the housing is the biggest problem. Anyway, I will ask if my plan makes any sense, whether it can succeed or not?
Why are you ignoring the advice you ASKED FOR? Find another project.

As to your rewording, it's tantamount to asking "can I put a toyota civic engine on a lawn mower to join F1 racing? Finding a steering wheel is the biggest problem"

No, no that's not the biggest problem by a long shot and you have demonstrated again this project isn't for you.
I just wanted to buy a 9mm 2500mw 808nm laser diode, remove the DPSS crystals from the green laser pointer and buy a housing for such a diode so that you can attach these crystals (such housing as for green lasers only that for a 9mm diode). finding the housing is the biggest problem. Anyway, I will ask if my plan makes any sense, whether it can succeed or not?

" I will ask if my plan makes any sense" NO, your plan makes no sense at all for the following reasons.

1.) If you put the crystal set from a pointer in front of a 2500mW IR diode you'll just burn the crystals--they can take only so much power.
2.) Aligning the crystals to the pump diode is NOT simple. It's a painstaking task even for the pros.
3.) You'll have to make that mount if you really insist on trying this. The only commercially made mounts of this kind are already inside commercially made lasers. You might get lucky and find one of these somewhere online that's dead so you could use it for parts but in the end you'd wind up spending hundreds more dollars, and probably hundreds of hours trying to make it work. And then an all but invisible speck of dust will drift onto the facet of the IR diode killing it and you'll have to start the alignment process from scratch with a new pump diode.

You have been given good advice. Go with the jetlaser or the O-like options. Jetlaser in particular has a good reputation for quality.
That is a link to keep--its Sam and his is kinda a GOD here.
Got him to come twice to SELEM- we covered his ride (from Philly) eats and room.
His site (w/ no ads) is old style --not super easy to use--BUT there is very little that Sam and friends have left out'
GOT an UNKNOW laser tube?- measure it and Sam has a list of sizes and wavelengths, expected output etc what is needs to lase- value and more.. I like to say--'if you don't know SAM you don't know lasers'!!
he is my laser GURU..

ALSO check Sam's classifieds-- he has a ton of lasers/PSs etc for sale.. not cheap BUT each comes with Dr DSam's personal warranty-- if it dies he will fix for cost only of the shipping ....... kewl right?
if making a dpss laser is so difficult, why are they so dirtcheap then? Arent the cheap 5-100mw 532nm lasers all DPSS?
Chinese labor and they have been doing it a long time, now Chinese mass production makes the 532 dpss modules inexpensive.....but I remember paying a dollar a mw only a decade or so ago.
