No, I definitely only got the single hole ones. Very VERY nice hosts. I never expected I would fall in love with temporary on button hosts, but the feel is very tactile, very natural. Very smooth.
Also, I measured the divergence on the 638 laser out to about 9 meters(28 feet), and here is what I got:
Diameter at Aperture: 3.63mm
Distance measured: 9m
Diameter at 10meters: 5.15mm
Divergence Calculated: 0.169mRad
I did this using some quality calipers. According to an online calculator that gives me a divergence of 0.169mRad. I am going to find a place to measure farther out, but even when I am using it for star pointing, it is brilliant. Looks like a thread in the sky. Honestly thinking about holding onto it just for beam specs....atleast until I get my new diode in.