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FrozenGate by Avery

Boy Baby Names

Dec 17, 2012
So me and my wife are having a kid and she is all over me to come up with names. Because of the importance of this my mind has decided to ignore the issue. So I'm asking LPF for help. I want something unique but not ridiculous. So names like Mathew, Mark, Luke, ETC are out of the picture.

The only current name we can agree on is Anakin. Very Star Wars but original as far as names go. One of the others I like is Apollo but she doesn't like that. I want something "old school" and historic and I need something to convince her. Any ideas?

The most recent name I like was Alexander. She agrees but would want the nickname to be Alex. I would want the nickname to be xander.

If you can come up with a name we both agree on I'll build you a laser.

Let the names flow in!
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I'll see what I can come up with.

FYI, I don't think your wife would appreciate being called wide. ;) Look at your first sentence.

Here's some I can think of right now.


If it was a girl, I'd say Midge. I never heard of it until I met a secretary for one of the generals. It is different but not weird.
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I'll see what I can come up with.

FYI, I don't think your wife would appreciate being called wide. ;) Look at your first sentence

Edited. lol. Been sippin on that 151 all night. Thanks for being a grammar Nazi!
I don't know anyone with my name. Wendell. I was named after Wendel Clarke. its an un-commen name.
William... Marcus
Daniel... Ryan
Trevor... Jake
Michael... Jupiter
Franklin... Mani
Most arent particularly unique, but theres a few ideas.
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Please just remember to consider the kid too, as having a unique name can draw attention, not always good, to them when they get to school and such. Keep the names reasonable, and I'd avoid basing them on things such as movies.

I mean, I'm not gonna tell you how to name your kid, but I've seen kids being picked on constantly throughout school for having "different" names.
I know a guy named Zebulon, and I always wonder what his parents were thinking. Also be aware of first-last name relations. I also knew a guy named Gabriel East but no one calls you Gabriel, they call you Gabe. Gabe East. (Say it aloud if you don't understand.) Imagine hearing that on the high school intercom. :whistle:
My sons name is Cedrik, with a "k". We decided on this because he was born in Poland, where we are currently based, and it would have completely confused them if it were spelt with a "c"! ;)

Other less common names: Rupert, William, Alexander, Oliver, Geoffrey.

Good luck and congrats!:beer:
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Conrad......Daniel.....Robert(Jack) ....Ethan...
Aiden.......Simon .....Nathan .....Hugh ...there's a start....
Mordecai. It's from the Bible, which is not the reason I suggest it, I just think it's a really cool name. not sure what the nick name or short version of it could be.
