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FrozenGate by Avery

Beam combining cube

You don't want a PBS (Polarized beam splitter (Used in reverse to combine lasers)), they are used to combine 2 lasers of the SAME wavelength. What you want is a pass green reflect red dichro. Mount the green laser shining through the dichro, and set up the red lser at about a 90 degree angle to the dichro, then just adjust the dichro until the beams are overlapped.


Drew that up in MS Paint real quick. Let me know if you need more explaining :)

I've been researching this for 2 days. So if I get the dichro that reflects red and lets green through the red beam will be reflected one on side and the green will come out the other side aka not combined, They will be in completely different directions?
I really want to make a yellow laser and I am willing to invest a bit of money in some dichros for it.
Please respond, Thx for reading this.
