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FrozenGate by Avery

B&W Tek BWB-10-OEM - 473nm 10mW

It just seems so blue though..... Although it will probably be a while before I build my own 445. That much power seems like it's too much.
The one this thread is about.
473 nm Blue Laser, DPSS, B&W Tek BWB-10-OEM | eBay
Apparently some would peak around 30mw?

The key operative being 'some'. Just don't be disappointed if you can't get one over 10 - 15mW out of it.. Or if it dies quickly from running it without feedback.

I have about 5 of these things. Of the 5, I have ONE that I managed to get a stable 30mW out of. The rest won't really do much more than 15mW or so even after driver tweaks and running them without feedback.

Though the one that does 30mW with feedback started out doing right at 10mW out of the box, and had a V5 driver, where the rest of the units i've gotten were doing only 5 or 6 mW and had V4 drivers. The V5 drivers have a lot more adjustments than the V4's do.

I also don't get everyone's hangup here about 'peak' power. To me peak power is useless. What matters is average stable power, since that's what people are going to be dealing with with CW lasers. I've had no shortage of cheap greens that will spike at 2-3 times their stable running power for a second or so at turn on. So i'm not sure what's to be gained by calling them "50mW" lasers when in actuality, they're only really running around 15mW while your actually using them.
It may only be some but that's still better than them being limited to 10mw. I'd be happy if it came like that straight out of the box let alone any higher.
Very few people get them with the V5 drivers. But it's your laser. I'm not against people experimenting. After all I have 5 for that very purpose heh.. If you want to play with DPSS.. There's lots of good parts in these.
Ok I think I'll have to collect funds for one of these. I just need the second half of the payment for the last laser I sold.... :whistle:
I just picked up some of these lasers. I bought mostly the "defective" units but I got a working one too. I can't wait to play around with them.
I got my fiber coupled one a while ago. It does about 7mW straight out of the laser, 5 after the fiber and spectro head. This has to be one of the first ones i've got though that actually had a pure TEM00 output. Pretty much all the rest ran at some other mode.
I nearly bought the last one just now..... ten minutes later it was being resold as not working :wtf: good thing I waited I guess.
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