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FrozenGate by Avery

Awesome Tiny 445nm Laser

I been firing up this little honey regularly since I got it a few weeks ago, so here's a treat. Finally got around to doing some studio shots of it, alongside my other favorite small 445, JayRob's RL-118 host. Enjoy!

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professional pics!
maybe we should flood the internet with your pics, it'll get more ppl interested in lasers ^^
Gladd you like 'em. I shot professionally back some time ago and feel that there are some really fine lasers being built by many on this forum and they deserve some justice and exposure. I plan on eventually shooting my entire collection which is really only about a dozen at the moment. Next up will be my Sipik HK-21 host by Qumefox which is now being tweaked by DTR. I should have it back in a week or two...
