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FrozenGate by Avery

Attitudes towards new members

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cheers Jander,
i did have a read through that one some days back,
respect with me is given as standard to anyone that's friendly and polite,
but i draw the line at those that are too quick to jump down someones throat for whatever reason,politeness,manners,common courtesy/civility should become forum rules for everyone,no i'll rephrase that they should be standard life practices for everyone in or out of the forum,all on this earth are born equal and die equal and should be regarded as such regardless of their credentials or experience.we're human after all,well at least i hope we are.do we not treat others as we expect to be treated in return? i know i do,but i cannot say the same for everyone else.perhaps i will take it upon myself to keep an eye out for rude people and let them know that it's out of order to be rude to anyone,politeness monitors should be on all forums.people would be less inclined to be rude to anyone if they got a bollocking every time they were.... ;)

cheers Jander,
i did have a read through that one some days back,
respect with me is given as standard to anyone that's friendly and polite,
but i draw the line at those that are too quick to jump down someones throat for whatever reason,politeness,manners,common courtesy/civility should become forum rules for everyone,no i'll rephrase that they should be standard life practices for everyone in or out of the forum,all on this earth are born equal and die equal and should be regarded as such regardless of their credentials or experience.we're human after all,well at least i hope we are.do we not treat others as we expect to be treated in return? i know i do,but i cannot say the same for everyone else.perhaps i will take it upon myself to keep an eye out for rude people and let them know that it's out of order to be rude to anyone,politeness monitors should be on all forums.people would be less inclined to be rude to anyone if they got a bollocking every time they were.... ;)

The problem is, at this junction it doesn't entirely matter what you think. Now, I am inclined to politeness. Look through my thousands of posts and you will rarely if ever find a harsh word against a fellow forum member. I generally like to play nice with others. With that said if we started having "politeness monitors" I think I would be inclined to leave. Not because I am rude to people but because that's just the dumbest idea I have ever heard. You say something slightly wrong and the Lollipop gang rides in on their Care Bears to give you a time out? Nah.

Point is. Stop being butt hurt. Everyone gets zinged every once in awhile. God knows I have. If you don't pass off misinformation as indubidable fact though this mess wouldn't have started.

Smart people know what they don't know and have the good sense to shut their mouths or at least fill that gap in their knowledge before they go spouting info.

I personally respect smart people. You don't have to have a high IQ to come over smart either. Just know when and when not to speak.

Another 2 cents for you.

Remember all of us started as newbs at one point. We all dealt with it and now it is your turn. How much you deal with will depend solely on how you act. But all of us dealt with it.
Again,more presumptuousness bubonicChronic ,iv'e been on the internet for long enough thank you very much easily a few years,not that it matters one iota ,& long enough to know that 99% of the internet populous have a different persona online compared to offline,people never cease to amaze me with there assumptions.

well Issact if it does not matter to you what i think why are you posting a comment to run me down in a polite ish way? the word hypocritical jumps to mind.

and why is it dumb to think that forums need politeness monitors to weed out the rude people? the world would be a far better place if people where nice to each other.there would be no wars,no poverty etc etc etc.
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well Issact if it does not matter to you what i think why are you posting a comment to run me down in a polite ish way? the word hypocritical jumps to mind.

Its not about me either. I said it didn't matter what you think, not that I don't care. I'm just trying to give you advice on how you can salvage your plummeting reputation here. You have a lot of pride though, and I have a feeling no matter what I say you will never get it. Good luck with your defensive accusatory responses. You should know they won't gain you any favors. It is basic politics. No successful polititian runs around screaming about how someone hurt their feelings. They act dignified and play the game. When you start the game you are on the bottom. How you play the game determines where you end up. You will always be playing though. Even when you don't think you are.

Good luck.
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politics don't get me started cause i have not voted since 1992 and don't intend to start now,and to be frank i could not give a monkeys uncle for reputation,politicians are all corrupt dodgy and full of bs,if it does not matter what i think why are you posting? ,it's got nothing to do with politics,the thread was started as i have noticed that there's a fair few on here that aren't as polite as they perhaps could be,and it's not just on the threads that i have posted/commented on either.there'sh hostility on this forum,and most of that is aimed at the new people,with their "don't spoon feed people" bullsh!t,that term is insulting and not very nice,comparing new people to babies or to people incapable of eating by themselves, makes me wander how the un-human race ever got as far as it has,cause if people did not share what they have learned would we even be here now having this chat? no,cause we'd have died out thousands of years ago for lack of understanding.
there's much hostility on this forum,and most of that is aimed at the new people,with their "don't spoon feed people" bullsh!t,that term is insulting and not very nice,comparing new people to babies or to people incapable of eating by themselves, makes me wander how the un-human race ever got as far as it has,cause if people did not share what they have learned would we even be here now having this chat? no,cause we'd have died out thousands of years ago for lack of understanding.

I'm also fairly new but I don't think you understand the point of view of the more experienced members. The "spoon fed" term is a result of several new members, like myself, asking questions to more experienced members. You have to take into consideration the fact that they are asked many questions on numerous occasions and often said questions have already been answered in threads. They use the term as questions that have already been answered in threads get sent to them on a regular basis and although I haven't experienced it, I can understand that it would be very annoying for them when the answer can be easily searched for.
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politics don't get me started cause i have not voted since 1992 and don't intend to start now,and to be frank i could not give a monkeys uncle for reputation,politicians are all corrupt dodgy and full of bs,if it does not matter what i think why are you posting? ,it's got nothing to do with politics,the thread was started as i have noticed that there's a fair few on here that aren't as polite as they perhaps could be,and it's not just on the threads that i have posted/commented on either.there'sh hostility on this forum,and most of that is aimed at the new people,with their "don't spoon feed people" bullsh!t,that term is insulting and not very nice,comparing new people to babies or to people incapable of eating by themselves, makes me wander how the un-human race ever got as far as it has,cause if people did not share what they have learned would we even be here now having this chat? no,cause we'd have died out thousands of years ago for lack of understanding.

The human race made it this far by murdering each other and backstabbing. Not exactly a good analogy. Also if you don't want to be viewed as a baby why are you acting like one?

At any rate I had hoped we could get you back in good standing so you could become a valued member here, but there doesn't seem to be much hope of that based on your attitude. Normally people just need a perception check. You on the other hand are just not going to work out.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your life though, and if you happen to buy some lasers please be safe with them. :beer:
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you want what i'm smoking ha,says the man with a word for cannabis in his name,and there's fa wrong with my English,pronunciation or grammar,i may get the odd letter around the wrong way from my haste to type,and have you debated anything with me? no,and iv'e just been advised that you are a banned member that's sneaked back in,does the name techjunkie mean anything to you?
this has fa to do with criticism,i have observed this forum for months and all too often see experienced members belittling new comers,if i hear one more person coin the insulting term "spoon feeding" i will leave,that's degrading and insulting to those that cannot feed themselves for whatever reason,now please jog on,and when you get there jog on some more.

don't make me laugh Issac,you couldn't give 2 fucks about me or any other new comer. back on track my ass,i have no track to get back onto and have no desire for reputation points on here or anywhere else,i really actually regret joining here,i had been observing this forum for about 6 months and have noticed more than once experienced members pick on new people,i should have just kept to using these pages for reference,least then i would not have to deal with insulting people.
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Stu take a breathe, many who have gone down the path that you are going have turned it around and have become outstanding members. Just apologize read some more and post accordingly. Starting now.:beer:

List your favorite color or something???? guys lets let him start over maybe make room for forgiveness.:beer::beer::beer:

I'll break out the :beer: for him if he wants to still be a part of this forum.
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I started this thread as a result of my observations of peoples attitudes to new comers and it's definitely hit a nerve,which shows me that there is hostility towards new people.
the term "spoon feeding" is not nice,molly coddling would be almost as bad but not as insulting,people should chose their words with a bit more forethought,for all you lot know i could be in a wheelchair with no muscular function and could actually require being spoon fed,but i bet no one actually thinks about the implications of their words when they write them.if i have offended anyone with my comments on this thread you have my heartfelt apologies,but (and there's always a but) please don't be insulting all the disabled people in the world by using terminology that isn't very nice,i'm sure the people that use the term "spoon feeding" would not like it if they woke up tomorrow and had to be spoon fed.peace out.
see you are just proving my point,you sir are a total bell end.

Well not to say I agree with what you said, but I did find the bell end comment rather funny. I just hope the non-brits get that one...Sorry Isaac ;)

If I may, there are a couple of points Id like to make and please dont take them the wrong way:

1) Its not current you should be talking about its voltage. Your boost driver died because you pumped 8.4 V through it. It didnt die because of the capacity of your batteries. If you had a driver capable of running on 12 V, you could wire it up in parallel to any number of even 12 V car, or lorry batteries. It wouldnt make a difference, although you would now be talking about 100's if not 1000's of amp-hours and not mAhs!

2) If you wire two batteries up in series, you increase the voltage. If you wire to batteries up in parallel you increase the current, to that of worst performing battery.

3) Ah is a measure of the capacity of the battery ie how many amps it can deliver over 1 hour. This rating drops as the current increases.

4)Current can be regulated through the negative, or positive side - either way the same current will flow in your laser.

Anyway arguing about opinions is pointless, so my humble suggestion would be to just leave it, you wont win.

Stick around it is actually a great place! Isaac is also a very nice guy once you get to know him. ;) :beer:
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I started this thread as a result of my observations of peoples attitudes to new comers and it's definitely hit a nerve,which shows me that there is hostility towards new people.
the term "spoon feeding" is not nice,molly coddling would be almost as bad but not as insulting,people should chose their words with a bit more forethought,for all you lot know i could be in a wheelchair with no muscular function and could actually require being spoon fed,but i bet no one actually thinks about the implications of their words when they write them.if i have offended anyone with my comments on this thread you have my heartfelt apologies,but (and there's always a but) please don't be insulting all the disabled people in the world by using terminology that isn't very nice,i'm sure the people that use the term "spoon feeding" would not like it if they woke up tomorrow and had to be spoon fed.peace out.

Good job... a little salty, but none the less you did good, now get out there and build you a little red pocket rocket, but please observe proper safety protocols and respect the hobby so that we can all enjoy it cause man it is a sweet hobby to be in.;)
Nobody needs "removing" from the forum Stu , though I do have my eye one someone.

Iv'e said countless times , we're all entitled to our opinion...they day we all agree is the day hell will freeze over. None of us need to resort to cussing or swearing , we can discuss like adults.

Every forum has trolls , its upto each of us to recognize them, ignore them & move on.
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