Update the website for the material cost of the v3's. Also added the price in Euros and Pounds to the grand total for our European friends. If you have a currency you want me to add let me know

(Didn't bother doing USD and AUD conversion, our dollars are worth almost the same)
Drum roll, the final cost is......
14.5$ in parts! That's buying everything form digikey as well. The price can be whittled down to 12$ in parts when buying some of the cheaper ones from ebay.
The only things not included in the cost above is the PCB and a USB cable.
I've redone the way I list the materials in a more professional way, and the way they are labelled on the PCB. I'm not the greatest at putting my ideas down on paper, so it's something I'm working on improving to make this easier for others to understand. :beer:
The PCB design will be put on the website after I test it. The code will be the same for both v2 and v3. Updated the code as well, no big changes, I just added more notes and turned up the sampling speed a bit. I put code for serial formatting to Eagle Eye in the folder as well.
Now onto the ARGMeter's.
I've also cleaned up the Ophir code and re uploaded it to the site. The TEC code still need's to be optimized for the 3000 point curve adjustments before I re upload it. Predictive measurements for a 5s repose time with 15mm TEC's is taking longer than I expected to perfect, so that wont make it into the next update.