I odered in mid June, and finally cancelled my order around early september, and frankly am glad I did at this point.
It's still the same old story with delivery dates, once again the promissed shipping dates have come and gone without being met, shipping still appears to be totally random.
I figured with all the problems they were having I had better get my money back while they were still willing and get out while they still had the money to refund me. Starting to look like a good move at this point.
I was just reading on their forums today and come to find out that now when people request a refund they are instead getting a notice that they cannot get a refund because their order has shipped. Though this does seem to be a nice way to force them to ship your order now at least

However, on top of all the quality control issues, they are now being regularly seized by customs (at least in the US). So far WL hasn't addressed the customs issues yet, they have a gurantee, but with the thousands of orders going out now I simply don't see them being able to meet their gurantee when mass loads of orders are being confiscated.
We'll have to wait and see what happens, but it just keeps getting worse and worse with WL.
For those following their "New" 200mw laser in red/green/blue... ya they've been shipping out 50mw lasers to fill those orders so far lol. Althoul claims on the forums that they will ship the proper 200mw lasers if you submit a claim but once again we're talking about customer service and so far it has not been corrected that I am aware of.
Anyways, my experiences with wicked lasers was less than satisfactory, and I will never do business with them again. Their current situation just continues to reinforce that as a good decision on my part.