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FrozenGate by Avery

Anything about extraterrestrial life

What, you are one of those guys who does'nt know their true father? I am concerned for you, only knowing the father through his son Jesus Christ allows you to be saved from torment in hell, justly so if you reject your own maker, even if you just didn't know, still going to hell bro. Now that we have established that reality, time to have the privledge of giving tithe, that will be 10 percent of pretax earnings, ching, ching. IMO, religion has its place, just not at my place, even I as a man of average intelligence can see through that BS.

The idea of religion is great ... in execution, not always so much. But I find believing in something greater than yourself is important, even if you don't feel your life is dictated by that greater power. There are greater powers than us, there always will be. What you believe that power is, is up to you... I never had a religion, but I'm certainly spiritual.

Someone mentioned the big bang theory ... That one doesn't work for me, perhaps that was part of the process, but something must have come before that, no? Something must have started the big bang, something must have been there before. The idea of complete nothingness doesn't sit with me ... there's no such thing as nothing IMO.

Hap, lucid dreaming is fun, there are guides out there with methods to prepare you mind to increase the chances of achieving a lucid dream. You can teach yourself. I've only managed it a couple of times, but it was great! My dreams are crazy and vivid enough most of the time that I can do without lucid dreaming anyway... I've had the nested dreams before too, those are interesting, especially when you dream as vividly as I do. Sometimes leave me feeling funny for a few hours after waking up.

Damn, got carried away, good Rum, Beer and stimulants will do that. To the drinkers out there, if you like Rum, try "The Kraken", it's great! For the Beer drinks, if you like something hoppy try "Red Racer", comes in three strengths, all delicious.

OK ... going to end it here before I go completely off the rails. :beer::beer:

I have read a bit on the techniques over the years, I have no doubt that works, similar to turning on a light switch, they usually don't work in dreams. The hand on the wall is probably a good method for some individuals, sure works well for you.

I edited my post to make my position clearer, yes, sarcastic. While I wrote that I have little, if any problem with Buddhism (although only as a finger pointing at the moon which itself is a poor representation of the full light) and do believe the universe has a strong spiritual component. I also believe there is an afterlife, just not how religions have high jacked it.
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I have read a bit on the techniques over the years, I have no doubt that works, similar to turning on a light switch, they usually don't work in dreams. The hand on the wall is probably a good method for some individuals, sure works well for you.

I edited my post to make my position clearer, yes, sarcastic. While I wrote that I have little, if any problem with Buddhism (although only as a finger pointing at the moon which itself is a poor representation of the full light) and do believe the universe has a strong spiritual component. I also believe there is an afterlife, just not how religions have high jacked it.

Yes, I'm a fan of Buddhism, although not a Buddhist. I think it's important to read about religions, their beliefs, as well as read various religions texts. Even if you don't believe - they usually teach important lessons, which I think is the point of them. Some of the texts and artifacts that point to extraterrestrial visitors are interesting too, and they go back a long time. Could be coincidence, guess it's all down to interpretation. The Book of Enoch has some good ones IIRC, but it goes back further than the Bible or Abrahamic religions. Perhaps those ancient people were just thinking as we are, and understood that the universe is vast and that we might not be alone. Or perhaps they were visited by ET. There's a lot we'll never know.

Likewise regarding the afterlife ... I think there must be something after death, but that comes from my refusal to believe there is no such thing as "nothing". Even a complete vacuum has substance, it has dimension and waves can propagate through it - there must be something there, much like the "Aether" talked about by alchemists. Not to mention virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations.
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I have read though the Book of Enoch, I really liked that too. I suspect we have been influenced by ET spirituality from time to time. So far, the Aether theory had been disproven at our level of ability to test for it. I do think we can continue to exist as self aware individuals, I see such as an entaglement of self reflecting energy in the form of data transfers and loops back upon itself. That at some level entropy does not affect pure consciousness, thus eternal.
This is a bit off of the topic of extraterrestrial life, but i understand why people have a hard time accepting they may only have one finite life, after which there will be nothing - similar to powering down a computer removing all data from RAM.

I was not brought up with any religion at all, though i live in a country that is traditionally christian but not to the extent the US is by any means.

I've travellend all around the world and interacted with people of various faiths. Islam and christianity are pretty clear on how non-believers will effectively go to hell, which is a bit problematic since that is the majority of the world population for either.

Christians tend to be a bit more relaxed about it though: many say that if you live by the commandments (and values) but not actually worship you are not going to hell just for that. Not stealing, killing, raping, fornicating or stealing might still get you into christian heaven even if you don't go to church and/or pray regularly.

Buddhism approaches things differently to some extent. The choices you make in life will dictate what happens to you after, but there is no need to make them according to faith. Doing the right thing regardless of motivation can get you a good re-incarnation.

As a man of science i find Buddhism and Hinduism the easiest faiths to interact with. Perhaps it's just the way they go about things practically. They don't bring up going to hell all the time, or even at all.

For example i have a hindu friend, and sometimes we have dinner together. Ordering beef should be an issue as those holy cows are not to be eaten. But it actually is not, i don't feel judged eating beef around him at all, though i usually order something else (pork or mutton perhaps) when placing orders at the same time.
Obviously at some point i asked if he minded if i ate beef at all. He answered it was not, at least as we were not sharing the meal components which is fairly common around there.
The reason I think we don't dissapear when the computer is powered down is because consciousness is not produced by the machine, or our brains. I think we are akin to a computer operating on the cloud, that the cloud is quantum and our individual self reflecting consciousness is held together as a unit through entaglement. For further research, youtube Stuart Hammeroff and micro tubules.

Earlier I posted a very unkind view of Christianity, I shouldn't be so harsh, in my heart of hopes I have room to believe there very well might be a Christian heaven, as well as many others. Of course Christians will join with their own ilk in an afterlife.
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Yes, I'm a fan of Buddhism, although not a Buddhist. I think it's important to read about religions, their beliefs, as well as read various religions texts. Even if you don't believe - they usually teach important lessons, which I think is the point of them. Some of the texts and artifacts that point to extraterrestrial visitors are interesting too, and they go back a long time. Could be coincidence, guess it's all down to interpretation. The Book of Enoch has some good ones IIRC, but it goes back further than the Bible or Abrahamic religions. Perhaps those ancient people were just thinking as we are, and understood that the universe is vast and that we might not be alone. Or perhaps they were visited by ET. There's a lot we'll never know.

Likewise regarding the afterlife ... I think there must be something after death, but that comes from my refusal to believe there is no such thing as "nothing". Even a complete vacuum has substance, it has dimension and waves can propagate through it - there must be something there, much like the "Aether" talked about by alchemists. Not to mention virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations.
I too like Buddhism. And I agree with you that the point of religion was to teach.

This is my personal opinion, and feel free to object.

But I always thought of religion as ET's way of dumbing morality and science down so we could understand it. Similarly how we teach science in a simple but sometimes inaccurate ways in order to build up a foundation for their own exploration.
Think about if you had to go back in time to say 3000 years ago, and you had to explain how to behave and treat each other, and how the universe works around them. You couldn't use your own terminology or ideas as they wouldn't have a clue. The best way is to observe their way of understanding, and then use that as a starting platform. Humans always believed in having multiple gods for explaining certain things. If you went in saying that this god does this, and this god does that then it only complicates things further. Instead, it made sense to merge these jobs together under one god. The one and only god controls everything and prevents and tidies up any confusion.
The word 'Adam' in hebrew means man and is not actually a name of a single person like we thought. Energy is responsible for everything in the universe and beyond. Without it we or anything would not exist. I remember discussing this point with Alaskan. But I believe "god" is a metaphor for energy itself.
"God's" characteristics are:
Omnipresence- Energy is everywhere and is in everything.
Omnipotent- Energy is all powerful and cannot be exceeded.
Omniscience- Energy is all knowing. (Responsible for space and time hence information.)
Well this is what I believe religion is all about anyway.

I have read though the Book of Enoch, I really liked that too. I suspect we have been influenced by ET spirituality from time to time. So far, the Aether theory had been disproven at our level of ability to test for it. I do think we can continue to exist as self aware individuals, I see such as an entaglement of self reflecting energy in the form of data transfers and loops back upon itself. That at some level entropy does not affect pure consciousness, thus eternal.

Virtual particles are a very interesting aspect of quantum physics at the moment. We are not breaking any laws of physics, but it seems so unnatural generating 'real' particles out of 'virtual' ones. Weird stuff going on but completely explainable within QED.

As for entropy. Entropy is a 4D concept. There is no reason for it to affect anything beyond 4D spacetime. Thus rendering an object eternal to our frame reference. Entropy exists on a timeline. 5D and beyond doesn't have this linear model of time.
...I never had a religion, but I'm certainly spiritual...
I'm sorry dude but I have to. :)

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What is a demon? Something the devil created or "God"? Oh wait, God is supposed to have created it all... so, is a bad man a demon? Perhaps so if they have given their soul to the devil.

Curtis, I like it, I cannot disagree with any of that, of course I don't "know" but seems reasonable to me

I've been keeping an open mind for decades now on how all of this works, so far, I don't believe my brain has fallen out, but I'm starting to come to conclusions on how it might work, one of them comes from the simulation theory as well as studying near death experiences where individuals have life reviews. To me, it sure stacks up that this is nothing but a training program, easy to have a life review if you can just replay the data but the second time around, from the other persons perspective, or those you have affected in your life either positively or negatively. Whether a simulation or not, moot, real enough at this level of technology, I think. I don't believe we are alone in this sim, but sharing it with billions, maybe all life forms, but if that is true, to what end?

So what is the end product if the program is only for human beings? Maybe we all can graduate, in time.. maybe not every one does, but those who do can have life and have it more abundantly, as our "souls" are inserted into some alien body within the base reality our program is running on. Maybe to them all of this training takes place in a flash, to us, a damn long time.

PS: I really doubt this would all be done just for human beings, considering all of the planets in our galaxy alone, let alone the universe, we might have a lot of brothers in this thing but if so, the numbers would be incredibly high, so that would indicate this isn't a training program for a few. I know, I need some Twilight Zone music, or Outer Limits, I know this comes off as whacko, I am purely speculating, not going to take any of this as how it is, just how I suspect it might be.
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In this realm everyone is speculating.

We might just re-incarnate on antoher world, that concept is not less crazy than the idea itself. Perhaps one of those worlds is very pleasant and could be called paradise, whilst others are worse than earth and could be called hell.

Personally i don't think any such thing is likely and death will just be the end of existence. I have no problem with the concept of there being a period of time prior to my existance and one beyond it.

I guess that would make me a non-spiritual person. I don't see this as a problem though, if there is anything beyond death i will eventually experience that, but i'm not in a hurry to do so. The answer will be presented to everyone at some point, perhaps patience is not so bad when it comes to that.
The way I see it, either way is fine, life is a miracle we get to experience, that's enough, anything more beyond my life as a human bonus! Or not, depending upon what's next. If nothing, I won't know anyway.
Personally, I find what happens before you are born more puzzling than after you die.
Why so? I've never felt puzzled over that. I have felt puzzled over the idea of how we could be one, then when I understood that, individuality began to puzzle me.
It is a bit like what came before the universe scenario. 4d logic must have a beginning and a end. And must have something to start it. But 5d doesn't have to and when you apply that to yourself it gets rather perplexing.
I certainly do not remember anything from before i was born, but that could mean several things:

- we do not re-incarcerate at all
- we do re-incarcerate but do not remember anything from the previous run
- this is my first time

Any one of them could be true and explain why i have no recollection of it.

The difference is that not remembering a previous life is a fact. You know you don't, there is nothing you can do to change that, spending effort on it would be a waste of time.

As for where you go after you die that might be very different. I could depend on your actions, it could depend on very specific actions (or lack thereof), or it could be impossibe. If it depends on your actions in any way there is still time to change it, perhaps.

There is also the guarantee of actually finding out if something happens after you die, regardless of what you choose to do during life on earth.

If any of the major world religions are true i'm screwed. If life simply ends there all religious people have wasted a huge amount of time, effort and money on something that does not exist.

It's also possible that the religions got it wrong but something still happens, and there is nothing like paradise or hell regardless of your life choices, but still some kind of afterlife. Maybe the ancient egyptians got it right? ;)
I certainly do not remember anything from before i was born, but that could mean several things:

- we do not re-incarcerate at all
- we do re-incarcerate but do not remember anything from the previous run
- this is my first time

Any one of them could be true and explain why i have no recollection of it.

The difference is that not remembering a previous life is a fact. You know you don't, there is nothing you can do to change that, spending effort on it would be a waste of time.

As for where you go after you die that might be very different. I could depend on your actions, it could depend on very specific actions (or lack thereof), or it could be impossibe. If it depends on your actions in any way there is still time to change it, perhaps.

There is also the guarantee of actually finding out if something happens after you die, regardless of what you choose to do during life on earth.

If any of the major world religions are true i'm screwed. If life simply ends there all religious people have wasted a huge amount of time, effort and money on something that does not exist.

It's also possible that the religions got it wrong but something still happens, and there is nothing like paradise or hell regardless of your life choices, but still some kind of afterlife. Maybe the ancient egyptians got it right? ;)

There have been cases where people seem to remember things from previous lives, but how valid these cases are is questionable.

I was more getting at the fact that I often ponder about before I existed, where was this energy and how did it manifest itself as me upon conception. Also what stopped some other 'persons' manifestation happening instead of me, and what happens to the energy when aborted? I was nearly aborted as my father didn't want me, but my mother stopped it. That means that there are real universes out there that I don't exist in. This causes me to question what life would of been like without me in it. I'm not depressed either, but just wondering if anyone else often thinks about pre-life as well as after-life.

It is important to question pre-life I believe, we focus more attention into the birth of the universe than we do the death of the universe. We want to understand what came before it more than what comes after it. As I logically presume their to be a multiverse, I believe that us and the universe are the same thing. Each 'conscious' individual in there own hubble radius (bubble) in a segment of time. Alaskan already knows my views on this.

Chances are religion is wrong about their thoughts of the afterlife. Not that one doesn't exist. But paradise or hell is what you make it to be. Earth can be a 'paradise' yet we choose to make it 'hell'. Eden in hebrew is עֵדֶן and means paradise, heaven, elysium. By choosing the wrong things for humanity, we have turned this paradise into hell. As for the Egyptians, I think they were more clued up on things than we are personally. There symbols make references to many spiritual factors we have lost touch with. The third eye/pineal eye is a particularly interesting one. US 1 dollar bills have it on in the form of the pyramid.
