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Anyone Willing to Broker a Deal between OVNI and TaterMay?

I know this is off topic, but I see some of you are in the same boat as me
I understand the pain of having a loved one in the hospital. Visited my mother yesterday
in the hospital. 88, bad heart, kidneys shutting down. Not sure she'll be with me much longer. Doesn't want dialysis.
Thanks for listening
I know this is off topic, but I see some of you are in the same boat as me
I understand the pain of having a loved one in the hospital. Visited my mother yesterday
in the hospital. 88, bad heart, kidneys shutting down. Not sure she'll be with me much longer. Doesn't want dialysis.
Thanks for listening

Hang in there David, all you can do is be there for them
I feel y'all. The time is fast approaching for me, as well.
Mom's had several minor strokes over the last couple years, and two big ones a few months ago.

I do feel ya.

Reading this thread I was just thinking both my wife and my parents are still alive and we are currently 51. I will admit that everytime I see a call coming from either side I wonder if it will be news of a death or something really serious. I know my mother is being tested for the first signs of dimentia which will probably end up being the beginning of alziemers. Both sides are 2.5-3.5 hours from us and I only see my parents a couple times a year now just because we are living our own lives.
For us, if either one gets cancer we will let them operate to remove it but not going to get chemo or radiation. There are a LOT of alterate treatments now that big Pharmaceuticals don't want you to know about. As usual it's all about the $. I'm not going to poison my body to try and fix it. I'm not trying to tell anyone else what to do either. It's up to each individual to take control of their own treatment if they can and if they can't hopefully you have someone else to do it for you. Every single time I've been in the hospital or been caring for someone else in the hospital they have NEVER done what they are supposed to do according to what they say needs to happen such as medications on time, rehabilitafions, changing sheets, cleaning the room, changing dressings and on and on. Doesn't matter if they write a schedule on the wall or not. If you aren't paying attention and telling them what is supposed to be done good luck being properly cared for.
Reading this thread I was just thinking both my wife and my parents are still alive and we are currently 51. I will admit that everytime I see a call coming from either side I wonder if it will be news of a death or something really serious. I know my mother is being tested for the first signs of dimentia which will probably end up being the beginning of alziemers. Both sides are 2.5-3.5 hours from us and I only see my parents a couple times a year now just because we are living our own lives.
For us, if either one gets cancer we will let them operate to remove it but not going to get chemo or radiation. There are a LOT of alterate treatments now that big Pharmaceuticals don't want you to know about. As usual it's all about the $. I'm not going to poison my body to try and fix it. I'm not trying to tell anyone else what to do either. It's up to each individual to take control of their own treatment if they can and if they can't hopefully you have someone else to do it for you. Every single time I've been in the hospital or been caring for someone else in the hospital they have NEVER done what they are supposed to do according to what they say needs to happen such as medications on time, rehabilitafions, changing sheets, cleaning the room, changing dressings and on and on. Doesn't matter if they write a schedule on the wall or not. If you aren't paying attention and telling them what is supposed to be done good luck being properly cared for.

Know whst ya mean, quality of life is the phrase, no reason to live without it. Who wants to lie in a bed hanging on by a thread for months/years miserable just to get a little more time in? Not me
Know whst ya mean, quality of life is the phrase, no reason to live without it. Who wants to lie in a bed hanging on by a thread for months/years miserable just to get a little more time in? Not me

Had a talk with my mom. She feels the same as you. Their's nothing more the Dr and hospital can do, so we've been in contact with hospice, and she'll be coming home. She probably has a couple days left. No more wires and tubes and indignities. She'll pass away in her own bed with the people that love her by her side. Perfect end to a long full life.
Had a talk with my mom. She feels the same as you. Their's nothing more the Dr and hospital can do, so we've been in contact with hospice, and she'll be coming home. She probably has a couple days left. No more wires and tubes and indignities. She'll pass away in her own bed with the people that love her by her side. Perfect end to a long full life.

Same for my mother, she passed peacfully at home. She hated hospitals. Glad you and yours understand this David, glad for your mother
Had a talk with my mom. She feels the same as you. Their's nothing more the Dr and hospital can do, so we've been in contact with hospice, and she'll be coming home. She probably has a couple days left. No more wires and tubes and indignities. She'll pass away in her own bed with the people that love her by her side. Perfect end to a long full life.

That's a good outcome. I'm glad it's working out.

I wish my dad would regain his mental capacities well enough to have that conversation. Right now he's in and out, somewhat lucid some of the time but doesn't make much sense almost all of the time. Still confuses reality with dreams although he is beginning to be aware he's mixing reality with dreams.

He's also persistent about trying to get out of bed - he really wants to go home. He can't walk yet, too much muscle atrophy since the brain injury although there's no reason he can't build his muscles back up. He hasn't lost the ability to move them. But he just keeps trying no matter how many times we tell him he's not physically ready to stand let alone walk and he nods but he ends up doing it anyway and risks hurting himself even worse then has to be restrained or drugged or both - again. Sometimes I wonder if he really does know what he's doing. His wife already has some sort of mental cognitive problems developing over the last couple years and keeps telling the doctors to keep him alive. It's messed up.

this thread should be rename RIP to our loved ones...

You're right. Seems to have moved to that topic and I've helped my share. So back to the OT from the OP. My situation with TaterMay hasn't changed since my last update.

The last correspondence I got from his wife was April 18th where she said it was being mailed to me that night. I asked for a tracking number but no reply. I'm not holding out much hope. And it sounds like he's developed some other problems so maybe getting more complicated. It is too bad, all my correspondence with him was good and he seemed like a good guy. Well his wife said they're going to try and sell his stuff to help with the bills.

This is the laser I'm trying to get back if anyone sees it for sale, please consider selling it to me. I'll pay for it again. Eghemus sent it disassembled so I could change out the switch to one with an LED. I sent it to TaterMay to do that along with the LED switch and proper resistor and to transplant the guts of another one he made for me. The top of the picture is the top of the host but without the FA (I have the original and Eghemus made me two more on top of that). The tail cap is the part with the spring and attaches to the bottom.


It's very close to this one from an earlier Alien Laser post. In fact, I sent the fifth picture in Alien Laser's post to Eghemus asking him to make me another one. As Eghemus builds mostly from memory for duplicate requests, you can see slight differences between the one in my picture and Alien Laser's, e.g. number and spacing of grooves in the copper portion of the tail cap.


EDIT: TaterMay's wife sent me this picture a while back showing she found all three lasers. The middle one in the red box is the one I'm trying to get back.

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