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Another Bad Customer

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Me, I think people should have quotas to meet, and so long as they meet them, they should be free to do as they wish, with whatever time remains left to them. If people can do more, they should be compensated for more.

As for busywork... cleaning... it doesn't add to productivity at all. In fact many companies are now finding that giving people the option of having a flexible schedule, working just 3 or 4 days a week, or shorter days, actually increases productivity.

100% agree with you on this. That whole, grab a broom or dust if you find the slightest moment free from your tasks at hand is highschool part time job BS. To expect a person getting payed probably less than a living wage to be in constant motion just because they are on the clock is absurd.

Many major fortune 500 corporations like Nike, Wydant and Kenndey, and many others have gym's, bar's and lounges, game rooms ext, all for their work force to use at their discretion and on the clock. They do this because of exactly the reason Infinitus brought up, it increases productivity, keeps moral high and the work force truly caring about thee company's well being. Treat an employee like a slave, and you will either be constantly hiring and firing, or end up with the pretty low end of the gene pool work force that resents you, probably feels justified in stealing for you, ext.

I owner my own business from 2002-2011 and had only 3 people ever leave and only had to fire 2. That's not too bad for a decade of successful business. While I watched my competition hire and fire 2-5 artist a year ever single year. many of them damn good workers and talented artists, just they were not willing to be treated like a slave.
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^^^ I currently work in a small company, and my boss has kind of this same attitude. He expects us to be there throughout the day, but doesn't bat an eye if someone needs to, or wants to leave an hour or two early, or take a longer lunch, or say spend half an hour on an exercise bike, or take breaks throughout. So long as clients are happy and work is getting done.

Long weekends, I don't ever respond to email. Check yes, respond, never. On vacation, set aside an hour every 2-3 days, and no more. From prior experience, trying to half-ass things from halfway across the world just leads to more problems down the line.
Everybody here is right different jobs cause for different work approach. Hourly paid workers should be productive for every hour they work weather they sit in front of a machine and do piece work or being the trades man who set up that machine. Executives are given a long lunch or physical excercise to keep in shape physicaly or more important mentally as they are salary and there work is for most a 24 hour thing. If you get a goverment job I guess its a tradition to be able to loaf a little, but I would always worry about goverment layoffs. I do think a teen who gets his first job should always be talk to keep busy and working as it lays the ground work for a good work ethic. This kid one day might be the boss who gets pissed off at a kid who is a slacker. I just dont see to many members here who would be one, most of you seem to be to smart to have not worked hard:)Yeah this thread has gone off track hasnt it, but enjoy the members thoughts.noobphaser haha!
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What?!? That is what determined break times are for. When you are on the clock you are expected to work. Your paycheck and benefits are your compensation for your time, experience/knowledge and effort/work.

Say you have a plumber or electrician at your house and you are paying them $55 an hour. They complete the job in 4 hours. Would you be happy to see them leaning against the wall sending texts to friends and watching videos for 4 hours to pad the bill time to you for a full 8 hour day?
They did it well, they are done, now they are relaxing and are going to rip you off for $220 per what you feel is perfectly acceptable.

As long as they don't bill you. Unfortunately, I have had to retain attorneys a number of times. They work in "billable hours." I think they bill you when they have a dream about you and extra if it is a nightmare!

Here is an example of an estate attorney who specializes in Surogate's Court work:

You will be billed at an hourly of $400.00 per hour for the services of xxxxxx. My hourly rate is determined in one-tenth of an hour (1/10 hr.) intervals. [For example, in the event that I spend five-tenths (5/10) hours of time working on a matter for you, my fee for this work would be $200.00. 3. Telephone calls, emails and letters are billed at a minimum rate of two-tenths (2/10 hr.) intervals. 4. Travel time will be charged at a rate of twenty-five percent (25%) of my hourly fee. [For example if one hour is spent traveling to or from Court, you will be charged $100.00 per hour for travel time ($400.00 x 25%=$100.00)].​
Me, I think people should have quotas to meet, and so long as they meet
I wish I had a nice cushy government/union job. Preferably one that would allow me to work remotely, and work on other personal projects.

The reason I moved to DC back in 78 was sort of the luck of the draw, GW was for me the best place to go to medical school. After that, another luck of the draw put me in Baltimore for my residency and that is how I wound up staying in the DC area all this time.

An explanation of the economics, or rather the nature of medicine in the US which is really a business requires far more time than I have at the moment to discuss. What i can say is that there has always been a large disparity between how much a cognitive physician earns and a specialist that does procedures. If anything, it should be the other way around.

If you look at an Oxford dictionary that is perhaps 15 years old, you would see that there are only 3 professions...the clergy, law, and medicine. The reason is simple. A profession is supposed to be a calling, you do it not for money but because you really want to help people...period....nothing more. In fact, it is probably best defined by being a little bit nuts because a calling is about self sacrifice. Traditionally, up until relative modern times, European physicians were highly respected professionals but from an economic perspective belonged to the middle class.

During my residency I met a guy who was a Baltimore Homicide Detective. We became close friends. He resigned a year short of retirement because the demand for overtime was killing him. He went on to work only for the Federal Government, first in Medicare Fraud, then in Homeland Security. When he retires, he will receive 3 checks!

I don't have the time to explain all the complexities regarding the economics of medicine. What I can say, is that since 1989 I struggled with a 90 K educational debt and declining insurance reimbursement, insurance and paperwork being the bane of my existence. I really busted my butt.

My first position out of residency was as a part-time medical director for a substance abuse program. However, it was not my only position. I was working two jobs. During the day from 9 to 5 working for someone in a combination medical practice/urgent care center. i got off at 5 pm, grabbed a quick bite, and then saw patients where I where I held the position, AND at two others. i got home at around 11 pm. For a year I was also studying acupuncture so for that year at 11 pm I studied.

After a couple of years there was a shake up in substance abuse. The program in my hospital closed. I left with an A/R of $70 K because the hospital got paid by insurance companies first and I got paid second which for reasons beyond this discussion, resulted in my getting nothing. (I received only a very small stipend so I really had worked for nothing.) This would be of no consequence if i did not have all that educational debt.

So, for me it is highly ironic that for my entire career I have worked with patients who get fed from the government trough but I never had an opportunity to eat from it myself. And, on top of that, all of them have retirements at the expense of the taxpayer

That said, I have no regrets. I have done what I wanted to do and enjoyed it which is why I say that it is simply ironic for me. I never really cared about money. However, the educational debt over my head was a problem. I could write a book about that!
NIKE, Apple, etc .... sure you can use the gym & game room while you're on the clock ... NOT!!


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