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Another Arcane story

Ok, I’m going to step in quickly a say that Rich would not screw anybody over. He is trusted here, and this more a case of being unfortunate than scamming. Shipping is not cheap unfortunately.

I can certainly understand someone not wanting to spend more money after spending money for the original laser and then spending another $252 and still having problems with it. If that had happened to me I would be hesitant to continue to spend money on what was obviously a losing propitiation.
I'm not calling Rich out either. I am just sympathetic to the member who didn't get what he expected.
HI, everyone Thank you for all of your support on this issue. My offer to the customer still stands solid.
As I said its just being fair and to resolve differences no matter what .
Thank you all again for these supportive replies.
This is truly the best forum over all ..

I'm not calling Rich out either. I am just sympathetic to the member who didn't get what he expected.

I understand paul and anything can happen during shipping, as hobbyist in what's been an expensive hobby we need to know how to do some things for ourselves or else we must pay the shipping and let someone else fix it. :)
Stephane, on top of your words it's a bit unfair or better put "cowardly";) to be hiding behind a keyboard while giving a neg about a member especially when there is not one word about the laser itself and some facts..
Just the fact that your wanting to use it on a "fish tank" brings some possible issue's itself, how about the battery placement and polarity????
Your also leaving it that you will just throw it in a draw and be done with it as another dig to Lifetime17 so you can leave as the good guy here.
Yes there is your frustration with this happening twice I feel that but now your throwing a temper tantrum like a child who doesn't get his way.
Lifetime17 even showed that abortion of the first build and and still took the job of fixing it to give you piece of mind and I guarentee he charged you nil or nothing in labor but just parts.. :whistle:
You really believe that members will think after all these years that Lifetime is a con:LOL: on your words????????
Gives some fact's on the real truth or let Lifetime fix it.
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Also he said it was " defective " not that it didn't work, maybe he had it upgraded to a NUBM44 and did not expect the wider spot/worse divergence.....I say this because I read his short history and that's what he was talking about it seems, but I really don't know anything for certain however I did catch the terminology he used.

Stephane has only posted in two threads, this one and here > https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/scifi-repair-help-ex-scifi-customers-only.97279/post-1548546
I don't see used Sci-Fi Lasers selling well on here. I'm glad I never bought one, considered it, but something about that guy I didn't trust.
First i wasnt to tell any name.....just warn people when you deal with private people if anyting happen you may end up screw like i did.. strange im the one to be atack to have lost 252$. When i bought my host from SCFI on this forum he was seen as god in this goup seem like it change..... Anyway I send the host to be repair and never ask for a deal i even ask at first to maybe better have a new one but Lifeline told me it would be better to repair it. i even tell switch wasnt working well to look at it. when I receive the host i contact you rith away to tell the switch wont turn the 5 watt laser off...Is it normal????? do im asking to much????? to tunrn it off i have to unscrew the tailcap is it ok and safe????.......I Already pay to get it repair i receive it NOT fix and my only option is to send the host back and pay 120$........
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Also he said it was " defective " not that it didn't work, maybe he had it upgraded to a NUBM44 and did not expect the wider spot/worse divergence.....I say this because I read his short history and that's what he was talking about it seems, but I really don't know anything for certain however I did catch the terminology he used.

Stephane has only posted in two threads, this one and here > https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/scifi-repair-help-ex-scifi-customers-only.97279/post-1548546
yea im french native so my english not alway good i receive back the unit i try it right away and could be turn on but not off
I thought grainde also was doing this for the customers of SciFi. I can't imagine someone charging you $252 then returning a non-functioning laser to you. If this is true, I also want to know how it was.
yea repair and part with shipping back and forth i pay 252$ and the laser turn on but can't be turn off
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Stephane, on top of your words it's a bit unfair or better put "cowardly";) to be hiding behind a keyboard while giving a neg about a member especially when there is not one word about the laser itself and some facts..
Just the fact that your wanting to use it on a "fish tank" brings some possible issue's itself, how about the battery placement and polarity????
Your also leaving it that you will just throw it in a draw and be done with it as another dig to Lifetime17 so you can leave as the good guy here.
Yes there is your frustration with this happening twice I feel that but now your throwing a temper tantrum like a child who doesn't get his way.
Lifetime17 even showed that abortion of the first build and and still took the job of fixing it to give you piece of mind and I guarentee he charged you nil or nothing in labor but just parts.. :whistle:
You really believe that members will think after all these years that Lifetime is a con:LOL: on your words????????
Gives some fact's on the real truth or let Lifetime fix it.
In fact someone comment on this old post it pop out in my email so i told the thruth only the truth i havent bash anyone.
I never ever give ANY name i dont know lifeline or any of you he maybe be the best guy in the world it wont change the fact that i lost 450$ the first time plus 250$ the secont time for a total of 700$ usd since im in Canada with exchange i lost 930$ and i have noting but a brick and im cowardly and a child......do you get it. Oh i also bought 2 pair of safety 3od glass for 3 watt first time and upgrade to 6od for the 7 watt upgrade so another 150$......
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i think all have been said but just to show im keeping fact here is copy and paste PM discussion i got with lifeline when he receive my host as could read i told the on/off switch wasn't working i guess it have never been tested cause i receive it same way. Anyone could make mistake and forget but I havent make the mistake i shouldl lost another 120$ again? ... listen to some here im the one at fault and get insult on this board

Oct 14, 2018
my arcane is a 2.7 watt and use 2x 18350 you could install 7watt in it? also probably noting inside it good if need to change everyting plus shit to you will end up costing more to fix why even look at it
what it the price of a complete

Oct 14, 2018
no never been able it work for few second outside but didnt want to use it witout glass and by the time i got the glass it wasn't. Do you have 7 watt unit and how much?

Oct 18, 2018
Lifetime17 said:
Hi Stephane ,
Ok waiting on the host today, I tested the diode its a led goner and the driver is a cheap Chinese one. So the entire laser will be rebuilt.
Question what return address will I use ??
Send all conversations to my email at Lifetime17@verizon.net.

Hi Rich tank for the updated realy appreciate, i knew that Etian rip me off that guy is a sucker. i realy trusted him he was very well recomanded on laser forum but he fail us miserably. i see you receive the host tonight. please look at on off switch on the host. When the battery are out it work well but as soon the battery are back in switch stop working. if you could also mark up the polarity inside the
tail cap so i dont screw it putting the battery backward.
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