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FrozenGate by Avery

Anamorphics and waveplate help?

No. Beam size is inversely proportional to divergence. The beam is now larger, therefore the divergence is less.

Newport has a nice guide to the relationship between divergence and beam diameter. For example, if you look at the collimated output of most green laser, they have a very thin beam at aperture, but diverge to large spots at even relatively short distances (e.g. 1cm+ at 20ft).
You will a have a beam with a larger diameter because of the beam expansion, but this isn't due to divergence. The beam will diverge but at a slower rate over a longer distance. I actually don't have experience with expanders, but this what was explained to me a long time ago.
The optics arrived today and I did a quick setup and test. All I can say this has totally blown me away to point that I would say every 445 should be sold with a pair anamorphics!
The beam is tight and is much brighter over a longer distance. In fact it is tighter than my old 800mw DPSS lab.
Power loss seems very low(I'll take some readings soon with the LPM)
I'll post some pics etc and readings hopefully after the weekend (but I'm watching Metallica live tomorrow so chances it'll only be next weekend:)
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Awesome!! would you mind posting a pic or 2 of your set up?


Most definitely.

FYI, I also did a quick setup with the 500mw 635, but results didn't look to good. Huge loss in power. Seems like it may be a polarizing issue, but I don't have a waveplate coated for red.

For now I'm happy to have tamed a 445 with G2 lens.
