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FrozenGate by Avery

affect on 473nm


May 14, 2010
Will these 445nm diodes bring down the price on 473nm equipment?

I think you mean "effect" ;)

Ok, aside from being one of "those people", I don't think it's really going to bring down the price on 473nm systems, in fact I would guess they would become more expensive. This is because if people start using 445nm instead of 473nm, there will be less 473nm sold. In order to decrease cost of an item, you need buy larger amounts of items in order to take advantage of savings of mass production. But if sales decline, less will be purchased, less will be produced and price per item increases. There might be a brief drop in prices if sales decline in order to stimulate sales, but it would only last until it is realized the market has dropped for the systems.
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I completely agree with Rkcstr, 473nm is a completely different color for one so you cannot simply replace it with 445nm. The process of making 473nm is very complex and requires a lot of work. The beam properties are better as well. That is the equal of asking if 671nm laser prices are going to come down in price now that 650nm dvd burning diodes are so cheap.
I completely agree with Rkcstr, 473nm is a completely different color for one so you cannot simply replace it with 445nm. The process of making 473nm is very complex and requires a lot of work. The beam properties are better as well. That is the equal of asking if 671nm laser prices are going to come down in price now that 650nm dvd burning diodes are so cheap.
Exactly! ^^
However, 473nm diodes could well have an effect in 473nm DPSS lasers, namely by possibly replacing them. But maybe not. We shall see, all in due time.
Man could you imagine if these were 473nm diodes instead of 445nm diodes? Or better yet 488nm diodes. 750mW of 488nm would be heaven!
so many people seem to prefer 473nm over 445nm, as well as prefer 635nm over 650nm. yes, both (635 and 473) seem brighter than their "deeper" counterparts.
imagine you have a white laser. it surely would be brighter than red or blue (but not brighter than green). but you would have some problems getting any colors out of that white beam.. :-)
now with a hypothetical laser in cyan color. its brighter than a deeper blue of the same optical power. but it stimulates both the green and blue receptors in your eye! which is the reason it seems brighter to begin with.. 445nm is no coincidence: its the peak wavelength for seeing "blue". with a 445nm source, you are very close to only stimulating the blue cones of your eyes, seeing "true, pure" blue. a cyan source stimulates green and blue receptors. obviously you will have the same result by mixing "pure" blue with "pure" green. thats the concept of tv-screens and projectors and laserprojectors: creating the perception of seeing many, millions of shades of colors, by varying the amount the three receptors (red, green, blue) are stimulated.

now the big question: 635nm or 650nm, 445nm or 473nm?

you cant get a "deep blue" by mixing (cyan-ish) 473nm with red or green. you cant get "cherry red" by mixing (orange-ish) 635nm with green or blue.

you can easily get cyan by mixing "deep blue" 445nm with a little green, and you can easily get orange by mixing "deep red" 650nm with a little green.

the problem is only getting the software to mix it right, that "easy"! :-)

so: I am very happy with 445nm diodes! as well as with 650nm diodes!

about brightness: your eye cant distinguish between real cyan or a mixed cyan. and the visibility will be the same as well, since the little green, with its huge visibility, will exactly make up for the lower visibility of deep red or -blue.

this should be right in concept, and i read many comments saying this (Sam's faq mostly). I didnt calculate if the lumens/watt really add up to the exact right number. I am quite sure, though. will look for numbers, if you like..

and no, this has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with "I love this or that color!". didnt even see any 473nm laser in person yet! :-)

edit: obviously, mixing colors is out of questions for (most) pointers! but then.. I remember Jay's red-green-mixed pencil-sized pointer! swap out that red diode, already! :-)

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I think whilst the colours of lasers are effected by the aesthetic side of things (favourite colour/brightness) most of the time wavelengths are preferable due to the rarity of the colour and the way it is produced, for example the red produced by he-ne's are popular not only because they look nice but because of the complex method the colour is produced.

473nm will eventually be preffered over 445nm not because it's bright but because in the end it's a much rarer and more expensive colour to own. The 445nm will be awesome at first, and probably remain my favourite "cheap" colour, but when everyone starts too own one they will loose their novelty, same with violet.

Once true blue is achievable it too will begin too loose it's novelty as long as it's cheap.

Just my 2 cents :)
haha you are right! it was with every color I first saw.. red in the movies "predator" and "terminator", green in "alien vs predator" (..which sheds some interesting light on my childhood i guess!). now i just fire up my violet one from time to time to play around with fluorescence.. man, those colors eat up fast! :-)
..all excited about 445nm, I will NEVER lose interest in this one, for sure! *smiles*

(5mw 635nm pointer? 10mw 589nm pointer? silly, not? ..must have them all!)

Very good points fellas! Thanks for learnin me!
The reason that I asked that question is I just bought a 62mw 473nm labby and two days after I transfered the funds 445nm madness broke out!
Your answers have made me comfortable in my purchase. If I had a better camera I would post some pics but my camera is a turd! But let me tell you I'm very pleased with the unit. It only cost me $300 shipped and it was an un-used unit in flawless cosmetic condition. As far as the beam is concerned, it is the most beautiful color I've seen in person so far and it appears about four or five times brighter than my 400mw blu-ray!
So thanks again for the input
haha you are right! it was with every color I first saw.. red in the movies "predator" and "terminator", green in "alien vs predator" (..which sheds some interesting light on my childhood i guess!). now i just fire up my violet one from time to time to play around with fluorescence.. man, those colors eat up fast! :-)
..all excited about 445nm, I will NEVER lose interest in this one, for sure! *smiles*

(5mw 635nm pointer? 10mw 589nm pointer? silly, not? ..must have them all!)


I've seen the the movie in your signiture-Zeitgeist the addendum.
It was enough to piss me off when they talked about how money is created.
Also when they illustrated how we could survive without the current monetary system or fossil fuels was very interesting!
