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Adding new ways to blind

Feb 24, 2014
It just goes to show you how stupid corporations are. The make products all the time that have maimed and killed people lets see how many I remember.

1. Lawn Darts
2. Little nuke Lab
3. Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper
4. Bird of Paradise Slingshot
5. Aqua Dots

Those are some of the ones I remember. But some of the laser companies are really taking stupidity to another level


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Jul 10, 2015
@ Teej:
Be careful about giving strangers rides in your car, if they have illegal drugs in their pocket and you get pulled over they arrest everyone in the car, it's some ARMS REACH law that says basically if it's within arms reach it's in your possession too.

It's crazy stupid because I like to help people, but you have to protect yourself, like if you pull someone from a smoking car wreck and they later sue you for their hurt back.

I would pull someone from a burning car, I couldn't just watch them burn, but not from a smoking wreck.

@ LC:
As for humanity we undoubtedly will reset many more times, but from the ashes it will begin again and again until the sun explodes, maybe someday if enough genetic knowledge carries forward we can evolve.

Truth is the world was here before us and it will go on after were gone, we can only enjoy our moment in time and be glad we had it...oops another moment is gone.....now another.

I suppose the real trick is to make the most of your moments, but the smarter you are and the more you see going wrong around you the harder it can be, I find myself wanting to help fix the world but it's impossible until humans evolve, and I can not force others to evolve, but I can work on my own shortcomings.

I know it's shocking but I actually have a lot of them. :whistle:
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Apr 16, 2014
@ Teej:
Be careful about giving strangers rides in your car, if they have illegal drugs in their pocket and you get pulled over they arrest everyone in the car, it's some ARMS REACH law that says basically if it's within arms reach it's in your possession too.

It's crazy stupid because I like to help people, but you have to protect yourself, like if you pull someone from a smoking car wreck and they later sue you for their hurt back.

I would pull someone from a burning car, I couldn't just watch them burn, but not from a smoking wreck.

@ LC:
As for humanity we undoubtedly will reset many more times, but from the ashes it will begin again and again until the sun explodes, maybe someday if enough genetic knowledge carries forward we can evolve.

Truth is the world was here before us and it will go on after were gone, we can only enjoy our moment in time and be glad we had it...oops another moment is gone.....now another.

I suppose the real trick is to make the most of your moments, but the smarter you are and the more you see going wrong around you the harder it can be, I find myself wanting to help fix the world but it's impossible until humans evolve, and I can not force others to evolve, but I can work on my own shortcomings.

I know it's shocking but I actually have a lot of them. :whistle:

Well, you can't fix everything...its overwhelming.

You can though, much as they might arrest you for being with in arms reach of the drugs or guns, try to make that same range a nicer place.

You can't control what other's might do in that space, set a good example, worry about yourself....and offer help.

They can take it, or leave it, or mark you as a patsy.

That's up to them.


Aug 16, 2007
This laser splitter product is made to be dangerous though. Keeping one beam from doing harm is difficult enough, but splitting that into 3 beams with 90 degrees between them makes it nearly impossible.

You cannot even see all the beams at once unless you are a cow or other prey animal with eyes on the side of your head, but these beams are potentially class IV each depending on what laser you shine into it. This means that you could literally be setting the drapes on fire while trying to point out a star with the forward beam ;)

Some things are both dangerous and useful. This weighs danger and fun to a 'feature' on a car that will randomly engage any number of brakes when you slam on the pedal, including the 1-in-100 option where none engage at all :D
May 1, 2011
This laser splitter product is made to be dangerous though. Keeping one beam from doing harm is difficult enough, but splitting that into 3 beams with 90 degrees between them makes it nearly impossible.

You cannot even see all the beams at once unless you are a cow or other prey animal with eyes on the side of your head, but these beams are potentially class IV each depending on what laser you shine into it. This means that you could literally be setting the drapes on fire while trying to point out a star with the forward beam ;)

Some things are both dangerous and useful. This weighs danger and fun to a 'feature' on a car that will randomly engage any number of brakes when you slam on the pedal, including the 1-in-100 option where none engage at all :D

Perfectly worded Benm, that's exactly how I felt when I was shown this.
Nov 5, 2014
It just goes to show you how stupid corporations are. The make products all the time that have maimed and killed people lets see how many I remember.

1. Lawn Darts
2. Little nuke Lab
3. Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper
4. Bird of Paradise Slingshot
5. Aqua Dots

Those are some of the ones I remember. But some of the laser companies are really taking stupidity to another level

Actually I had the nuclear lab when I was a kid. it was not dangerous. The only source of radioactivity was a small chip of uranium ore, a common part of any decent mineral collection. I am not aware of anyone being harmed by it.


Aug 16, 2007
Those obviously aren't very dangerous, a kit with a geiger counter and some mildly radioactive material that demonstrates it. On the radioactive side a fire detector would probably contain more activity though less accessible to touch (unless you muck around with it).

Lasers are more comparable to sharp objects when it comes to danger: if you just leave them sitting on a shelf they pose no danger, but if you start waving them around frantically they can do harm.

Having the three-way beam splitter like that ups the danger level to something like juggling chefs knives - some people can actually do that safely, but if you give it a go you'll probably be adopting the octal counting system in the near future... at best ;)
