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Adding new ways to blind

May 1, 2011
Wicked Lasers | Crossguard Concept

Can't get enough of blinding people with your over priced laser your parents bought you? Well now you can blind people in 3 ways at once! Introducing the new arctic blind guard sabre!

Blind your mom, blind your dad and blind your sister all in one shot! No more need for choosing only one target of your shenanigans because the new attachment will shine two beams on the side so you can be even more reckless than ever!



LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
What the hell are they thinking?
Did you ever see that laser ball, it had like a dozen 445's inside and shown like a mirror ball.
It said it was for parties, looked more like a blinding countermeasure for area denial.

This is not it, I can't find the original thing but it was not a diffraction grating it was a dozen full on laser beams shooting out of a big ball thing, hopefully they got rid of it.
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Feb 25, 2010
Wicked Lasers | Crossguard Concept

Can't get enough of blinding people with your over priced laser your parents bought you? Well now you can blind people in 3 ways at once! Introducing the new arctic blind guard sabre!

Blind your mom, blind your dad and blind your sister all in one shot! No more need for choosing only one target of your shenanigans because the new attachment will shine two beams on the side so you can be even more reckless than ever!


Yikes !!! Stupid....raised to the power of Stupid/reckless !!!

:wtf: indeed !!! Mmmmm....What's next ???....Perhaps a coherent light source....mounted on a " Selfie Stick "....so as to simplify self-blinding...Oh no !!!:tsk::tsk::tsk:

Just joking !!!!!! The world's gone MAD !!


  • Coherent Selfie El Stupido.jpg
    Coherent Selfie El Stupido.jpg
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May 1, 2011
What the hell are they thinking?
Did you ever see that laser ball, it had like a dozen 445's inside and shown like a mirror ball.
It said it was for parties, looked more like a blinding countermeasure for area denial.
(Image removed)

This is not it, I can't find the original thing but it was not a diffraction grating it was a dozen full on laser beams shooting out of a big ball thing, hopefully they got rid of it.

Dear god can you imagine if they decided to make the arctic death star?

Yikes !!! Stupid....raised to the power of Stupid/reckless !!!

:wtf: indeed !!! Mmmmm....What's next ???....Perhaps a coherent light source....mounted on a " Selfie Stick "....so as to simplify self-blinding...Oh no !!!:tsk::tsk::tsk:

Just joking !!!!!! The world's gone MAD !!

Ha, that product is basically what this light saber attachment is. Except you get two stray beams on the side that can potentially hit both you and the other idiot swinging their "light saber"

Wicked Lasers should be forced to remove this from their product line
Nov 4, 2014
Dear god can you imagine if they decided to make the arctic death star?

Ha, that product is basically what this light saber attachment is. Except you get two stray beams on the side that can potentially hit both you and the other idiot swinging their "light saber"

Wicked Lasers should be forced to remove this from their product line

I saw this last week and couldn't help but shake my head in amazement at the stupidity. However, they're not so much stupid as they are un-ethical. If you notice VG, its not a product they're selling. Its a technical download for a 3d printer and they are not stupid enough to charge money for it because they then would be liable. In other words, they know how horrible of an idea this is and how dangerous. I don't even understand the reason for having this on their web page other than supposed "wow factor".

To me its very telling about them as a company. It would be like making Lawn darts all over again except knowing the risks. (not that lead weighted darts children throw in the air to come plummeting back to earth at terminal velocity should have been a big shocker that kids were killed) but, you get my point.
Thumbs down WL, Boooooooo. Booo.


Apr 16, 2014
I saw this last week and couldn't help but shake my head in amazement at the stupidity. However, they're not so much stupid as they are un-ethical. If you notice VG, its not a product they're selling. Its a technical download for a 3d printer and they are not stupid enough to charge money for it because they then would be liable. In other words, they know how horrible of an idea this is and how dangerous. I don't even understand the reason for having this on their web page other than supposed "wow factor".

To me its very telling about them as a company. It would be like making Lawn darts all over again except knowing the risks. (not that lead weighted darts children throw in the air to come plummeting back to earth at terminal velocity should have been a big shocker that kids were killed) but, you get my point.
Thumbs down WL, Boooooooo. Booo.

To be fair, I loved lawn darts. We used garbage can lids (Back when they were metal) as shields, and threw them at each other. (Underhand lobs only....safety first)

Jan 26, 2015
Firefly fleeced people out of $502,188 wow!

@ VisibleGreen it is not a product but a concept, a very stupid one but just a concept thank goodness. WL has posted many concepts like the Sith attachment. If it was used along with their LaserSabers it was a pretty interesting thing but there was no way to control users from just attaching 2 high powered Spyder III lasers together. So then there would be 2 lasers pointing 180° away from each other.
Good luck controlling that!! Plus it made for a very long unit, over 8 feet long.


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Jan 26, 2015
^^ Your signature, that is why I have stated several times in different threads that I only give humans another 20 to 60 years maximum. Just one of many issues, look at the human population explosion over the last 300 years, and it just keeps going up and accelerating :/
Sep 5, 2013
^^ Your signature, that is why I have stated several times in different threads that I only give humans another 20 to 60 years maximum. Just one of many issues, look at the human population explosion over the last 300 years, and it just keeps going up and accelerating :/

Not surprised. We still have idiots trying to take advantage of other trying to help out/be nice. Oh well, this planet will be better off without us as a parasite. Sick & tired of trying to be nice to others and I still get treated like crap, useless.

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LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Did you read the comments? They're hilarious!

Yea I know that firefly is not it but there was another Chinese company that made display laser show stuff and they had a ball with a dozen 1 watt 445 in it, no gratings just 1w beams, it probably got pulled pretty quick, but it was a terrible idea.


Apr 16, 2014
Let the idiots blind themselves, tired of helping people out of stupidity.


I look at it differently.

Sure, you can't fix stupid, but you also can't hold yourself responsible for other's stupidity either....its like blaming yourself for it raining, etc.

It rains sometimes.

To be happy, you have to let yourself. We are all naturally happy...and its typically external pressures that eat into it.

If I give someone a ride out of the goodness of my heart, and later find they stole crap from the back seat...it doesn't mean I should not give people rides....it means that person was crappy, or, just maybe, that they were in a such as bad way that they just could do something like that.

Everyone goes through their OWN private hell sometimes, and, sometimes, they take it out on someone who has nothing to do with it, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We can't see the strings pulling them and the sticks beating them...we just see them do stuff that seems unfair, cruel or uncaring, etc.
